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Recording of Our Numis Network Webinar From Last Night (320+ People Attended!)

Recording of Our Numis Network Webinar From Last Night (320+ People Attended!)

The first network marketing company where the autoship is…MONEY! That’s right, our product is money in the way of Gold and Silver Coins. You may have heard about Gold and Silver recently, on the higher end channels you hear them telling you to hedge your bets against the dollar by buying Gold and Silver and on the lower end channels you see them encouraging you to send your Gold and Silver in a little envelope and they may send you a check!

What they won’t tell you about a Binary {Numis Network} coded bonus explained

Hey everyone out there in internet land, today I am breaking down a typical binary in network marketing and the coded bonus of my primary network marketing company I am involved in called Numis Network. Numis Network is a gold and silver MLM unlike any other. They are the first gold and silver MLM and are a binary. Now, most binary companies are setup in a way that I like to compare to a casino meaning you have to jump through flaming hoops and huge odds to make the big money, Numis Network is not setup that way. Numis Network uses a coded bonus that is powerful even if your people are on your bigger leg.

Checkout our new billboard for the Gold and Silver MLM! – Numisnetwork

Checkout our new billboard for the Gold and Silver MLM! – Numisnetwork

OK, this is so darn cool. My team in Ocala just put up a 14ftx48ft billboard for the gold and silver MLM we are building called NumisNetwork. Numisnetwork is a gold and silver MLM based out of Tampa that deals in gold and silver assets in the form of gold and silver graded coins. The team in Ocala is so darn cool, they are rocking it and they actually put up this HUGE billboard to advertise the business, here is the pic here