Our Network Marketing Blog

Latest Tips and Training From Ray and Jessica Higdon

How To Build Numis Network Consistently Regardless of Your Experience or Skill Level

How To Build Numis Network Consistently Regardless of Your Experience or Skill Level

Go for No! As Richard Fenton & Andrea Waltz teach in their programs and books, if you program yourself to go for a quota of no’s, you no longer are stressed out when you receive them (which, everyone inevitably gets). This is what is interesting, if you set a quota to receive a certain number of No’s each day, you actually don’t mind getting them as they help you reach your quota and here is the reality, you WILL get yes’s if you ask enough people. An interesting story that illustrates this, they took a group of door to door insurance salesmen that typically went door to door trying to give great presentations, fairly lengthy ones to anyone who would listen. They switched to them asking, right from the get-go, “You’re not interested in buying life insurance are you?” Haha, sounds terrible right? Well, because of the “Speed of disqualification” they were able to see more people, which, led them to an amazing increase in profits! You see, simply presenting to more people was better and more efficient than simply having a great presentation!

What They Wont Tell You About The Numis Network Compensation Plan

Numis Network, a gold and silver mlm, has a compensation plan that is generating a lot of curiosity and questions in the network marketing industry. Has Numis Network come up with something revolutionary or have they simply dressed up the same old same old? You be the judge in this Numis Network Compensation plan video.

Numis Network Webinars-Spanish, English, Atlanta Numis Meetings and More

Numis Network Webinars-Spanish, English, Atlanta Numis Meetings and More

I get asked by a lot of people, Ray, how do I generate interest
in Numis right away and possibly build my team. Well, I have
given that answer so many times, I thought I would create a video
for you all! This video is what I recommend you do within 1 hour
of being in Numis Network, this is whether you know how to market
online or not! – How to Build Numis Network

Upcoming Events for Numis Network

Also, see below for details, we are doing another opportunity webinar
tonight, then a training on how to get people begging you to get
into Numis Network from your facebook acccount.