When marketing your MLM, should you use your profile or fan page? In this training, I share exactly what to use and what to tell your teammates to use. MLM Marketing We started blogging in 2009, I NEVER went to our team and said, “You guys should all be...
Where do you start when marketing a book or anything for that matter? Marketing a book is really not that different from the marketing of a course, a product, or from marketing of really anything. Here a guide on how to market ANYTHING. Marketing A Book (Or...
Do you wonder, How To Create Content DAILY Online? In today’s post I will share the importance of creating online content daily to ATTRACT People to YOU. And I’ll share EXACTLY How I do it. Just Released – Three Video Series on Personal Branding! This week...
Wanna learn how to brand yourself in the best way when you are in two different professions or industries? Here’s how… How Do You Brand Yourself Now? In today’s post, I’m going to share with you some very POWERFUL strategies around branding...
Today you are going to learn the four most common obstacles to online marketing and how to get over them. Be warned that this may help you get actual results and get past all your excuses! Heads Up for Tonight Tonight at 9pm eastern we are doing a webinar training on...
Need help with your website marketing strategies? Want more people to see your site? In this post I answer some questions from Facebook all around helping you get more traffic and visitors to your site. Yesterday I Posted on Facebook… In the last 60 days we have...