Today we are going to discuss where to find network marketing prospects. First I want to help you with how to think about prospecting before we go and locate anyone. Next we are going to dive into where to actually find more prospects. Finally we are going to talk...
Today we are going to talk about how to promote your network marketing business on Facebook. First I’m going to share with you my number one Facebook strategy that is working like crazy. Next I’m going to share what not to do on Facebook. Lastly, I’m...
Today I will be sharing how to motivate others to achieve business goals. First thing I’m going to share is the number one way to motivate others. Next I’m going to give you the big warning regarding motivating others. Lastly, I’m going to give you...
Today we are going to talk about how to follow up in network marketing business the right way. First I’m going to give you a fun exercise if you really suck at follow-up. Then I’m going to share with you exactly what to say if you’re being ghosted....
Today we’re going to talk about what happens to a team without good leadership. First I’m going to share with you the number one role of a leader and how to tell if your leader is doing it. Next I’m going to share with you how to spot or be a real...