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The Truth About Home Business Careers


There are so many people that are searching for Home Business careers right now, this post will help you make the right decision AND see if you made the right decision.

Why People May Want Home Business Careers

I think there are a LOT of reasons that make home business careers desirable and rewarding, here are a few:

1. Spend more time with your loved ones

2. Spend less time working for or with people you DON’T want to be around

3. Get tax-writeoffs, thereby KEEPING more of your hard earned money

4. What are YOUR reason or reasons? Be sure to comment below

THE Most Important Factor When Picking a Home Business Career

MOST people use all the wrong reasons to choose a home business. They pick one because the company is hot, or they like the product, or they think the compensation plan is good. None of those are key factors that should even be considered as the MAIN reason to pick a home business.

The number one factor to use, IF you have yet to have major success in network marketing is…

“How will you be mentored?” Will you be groomed for success or are you just going to be another number in a downline? Are you another statistic that a guru will use in powerpoint slides or will you be given real attention and shown the exact path to freedom and success?

Extremely talented people can learn from outside sources. If you are a regular Michael Jordan you can just learn from books and conferences outside your network marketing business and create success. For the 95%’s though, you need more intimate coaching and mentoring.

What to do about your Home Business

If you picked a company already and you have not been getting the mentoring you need, reach out to your upline and it may not be your immediate upline but try to find someone that will reveal to you how to get to the next rank, next rank, etc. Any team worth its salt SHOULD have someone willing to coach you. Keep in mind, a personal trainer does not lift the weights for you, they simply guide you, you still have to be willing to work.

If you have yet to pick a company or you know you are unhappy with your current one, seek out a MENTOR more than a PRODUCT. You see, if you learn how to become a success in a company, you can then have success in any company you choose. It’s a way of thinking and doing that will always work, however, MOST people need some instructions on how to properly think and do this industry.

Here’s Some Help For You

Monday my team and I are starting a hardcore 90 day blitz. You may have seen some of the posts this week:

Activity Tracker for a 90 day blitz
Why I’m rocking a 90 day blitz

If you want an awesome mentor to show up in your life, the very best way to start that process is to visualize and write down ALL the characteristics of the type of mentor you want and how they would help you. Most people cannot actually figure out how a mentor would best help them (like you don’t know what you don’t know) but based on what you DO know, comment below the perfect type of mentor you would want in your life, what they would do for you, where they would help you grow, and set that process into action! I remember a friend told me to do this for the perfect woman and just a few months later Jessica came into my life, start the process and comment below!!

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Ray Higdon
Skype: ray.higdon
Email: [email protected]

Work With Me – Numis Network

Image(s): FreeDigitalPhotos.net

PS: We are giving away $10 Million in Assets in the Next Five Years, Read More Details Here

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