When thinking of Network Marketing Recruiting what does it mean to Go For No and how exactly does that work?
Here I will share exactly what Go For No means and how I used it to become a Top Earner in just 5 months.
If you are serious about becoming a Top Earner, this will really help you.
Network Marketing Recruiting & Go For No
Maybe you have seen my interview years and years ago with Eric Worre around how I went for 20 No’s a day. When I went for 20 No’s a day, it took me about five months to become the top earner in my network marketing company.
What does mean it mean to Go For No? And, where does it come from?
Go For No
There’s a great book out there called Go For No. It’s by Richard Fenton and Andrea Waltz.
I read the Go For No book years ago when I was dead broke and in personal foreclosure.
2 HUGE Lessons I Learned From The Book:
- How to lessen your energy when you receive rejection. (Not allowing rejection to punch you in the face so hard)
- Hit your numbers and you’re going to get some yeses.
So, I went for 20 No’s a day everyday for about six months. That allowed me to build a pretty large organization. I’ve been sharing that for years and years and years.
This last year I had the pleasure of spending time with Richard and Andrea. We have actually co-authored a book specifically for the Network Marketing Profession. And, just a few weeks ago we released the Go For No For Network Marketers. This IS the resource you will want to get your hands on. I truly believe it is the book that can truly propel YOU and your team.
20 No’s A Day Is A Lot!
I always have people say, “I’m going to do it Ray.” But they don’t.
20 No’s a day is a lot. Because it’s NOT 20 calls. It’s NOT 20 people.
It’s 20 No’s.
No I don’t want to see your presentation or I don’t want to come to your home meeting. Or I watched the video and I attended the meeting and no, it’s not for me.
Don’t Be Addicted To The Outcome
One area of question is sometimes people are like, “Ray, don’t you believe in law of attraction man? If you’re going for no aren’t attracting negativity and nos?”
I get it. I just think the bigger concern is people’s reaction to no.
Most people are addicted to the outcome.
Meaning if they don’t get a yes they go home to eat ice cream and they get knocked out of a game.
If you can prevent yourself from being knocked out of the game then you’re going to last longer. You’re going to talk to more people, and you will create success.
[clickToTweet tweet=”In network marketing you either succeed or you quit. @GoForNo” quote=”In network marketing you either succeed or you quit. “]
I don’t know how long it takes anybody entering the profession to create success. But, if you keep working on your skill set, if you keep talking to people, and doing the work, YOU WILL create success.
Was that helpful? Drop me a comment below if you got value. Feel free to share this with your teammates.
More Resources For You:
29 Sources of Leads so you never run out of people to talk to ever again
How to Prospect a Burnt Market
Free Cold Market Prospecting Training
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PS: If you haven’t recruited anyone, or fewer than 10 people, This Course will Help (and is on Sale)
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