Don’t want to brand yourself as a network marketer? If you have a different passion but still want to build your network marketing business, this will help.
Here I share exactly how to be successful in network marketing no matter what profession you are in.
How To Be Successful In Network Marketing While Branding Yourself In A Different Profession
I would say most people, when they start network marketing, they don’t just start full-time. I would also say most people that start network marketing, they don’t immediately brand themselves as a network marketer or they don’t immediately start just talking about network marketing.
They’re either branding themselves in something else or they’re involved in something else that doesn’t have to do with network marketing.
If you’re branded in anything else (whether you’re in video production, whether you’re a singer, or whether you’re a veterinarian, or whatever), my suggestion to you is so long as you still are passionate about it, you still enjoy it, and you love doing that thing, keep it like that.
Create Conversation
Instead of talking about network marketing, create conversations.
I would NOT do a pitch for the product or the opportunity. I wouldn’t do some big elaborate, “And I just joined this company and it’s awesome.” It’s just NOT effective.
Instead, I would look to how do I segment my audience and get some of them to raise their hand and create conversation, not conversion.
[clickToTweet tweet=”Seek conversation over conversion.” quote=”Seek conversation over conversion.”]
Keep in mind, you don’t have to talk about network marketing. You can continue to build your following, build an audience, build your brand in whatever it is that you’re doing and then just segment the audience from time to time.
In the video below I share the EXACT SCRIPT I would say to you audience to get them interested in what you’re doing and to start a conversation with you.
Create the conversation and take it from there.
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More Resources For You:
How To Grow Your Network Marketing Business Without Branding Your Company
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PS: If you haven’t recruited anyone, or fewer than 10 people, This Course will Help (and is on Sale)
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