Today we will share some of the secrets to branding yourself and why it makes a lot of sense.
Learning the art of branding yourself can help you better whether any storm in business and we will show you how.
Speaking of Weathering the Storm…
As of this writing there is a massive hurricane headed toward Florida’s east coast. I have received quite a few texts and emails and just want to let everyone know we are doing fine. We are in Sarasota running a mastermind retreat for our clients which is on the other side of Florida, will probably get a lot of rain but we don’t expect any major issues. Prayers and love to all those who are in the path and be safe!
The Two Critical Elements of Branding Yourself
Speaking of branding, IF you can possibly create a brand that delivers a particular service or product in a unique way, that is extremely powerful. For the first time ever we will reveal what is called our Brand Position. Our brand position is what separates us from other network marketing trainers or network marketing training companies, our brand position is:
Our brand is the number one network marketing training company that delivers the full spectrum of proven and relevant strategies from the fundamentals to personal branding and marketing.
Notice we aren’t saying we are the BIGGEST network marketing training company but we ARE saying we are the number one providers of FULL spectrum training all the way from fundamentals to personal branding and marketing.
Now, one thing you must know is…Having a brand position is NOT a critical element of branding yourself but it sure is powerful if you can figure it out, but again, not necessary.
These ARE the two critical elements of branding yourself:
- Value
- Consistency
You don’t have to have a tagline, logo, amazing website, elevator pitch, branded apparel, or ANY of that stuff for YOU to start to VERY successfully brand yourself.
Value is how you are solving problems in your marketplace and to your target market. We solve the problems of struggling to decent earning network marketers by providing training products, services and coaching and we solve the problem of top earners by helping them better brand themselves so they are NOT just known inside their company but also outside. If you need help on how to solve the problems of YOUR target market, you may want to check out this blog – Marketing Templates for 19 Niches.
Consistency is exactly what it sounds like and it means you are adding that value on a consistent basis. For the last seven years we have blogged on this site almost 5,000 times, uploaded close to 1,000 podcasts and done around 500 livestreams. Consistency is pretty much our middle name =)
For you to start branding yourself you do NOT have to have the fancy stuff or any of the stuff that most experts tell you that you need, you simply need to start adding value and solving problems by creating online content consistently.
Today, get out there and start shooting videos that help people and then do it again tomorrow, THAT is how you start! For more comprehensive instructions on branding yourself, feel free to register for our training here – Five Ways to Become a Credible Authority Online
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PS: If you haven’t recruited anyone, or fewer than 10 people, This Course will Help (and is on Sale)
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