successful in network marketingHave you lost your fire?

If you want to feel motivated, here are my 3 suggestions to getting your fire back, crushing it, and becoming successful in network marketing.

How To Get Your Fire Back To Be Successful In Network Marketing

The only way through a rut is THROUGH.

[clickToTweet tweet=”The only way through a rut is THROUGH..” quote=”The only way through a rut is THROUGH.”]

So, that’s just how it is. The only way through a rut is through.

If you’re in any kind of business for any length of time, there will be times where your energy slows, where you maybe get discouraged, where you maybe get like, “Man, am I even on the right path?”

And, I’ll be honest, it’s happened to me. I’m not immune to all these humanly obstacles that people struggle with. I’ve had periods of my life where I wasn’t as fired up as I used to be.

So, here’s a couple of suggestions for you.

Suggestion One

Have a set of habits that will make your success inevitable.

On the days that I don’t feel like it, when I don’t feel like showing up, when I don’t feel like doing my thing, we still pump out content, we still pump volume, we still show up to any webinars, events, we still show up to any coaching calls.

We show up to those things and that’s on the days I don’t feel like it.

Suggestion Two

Invest in yourself.

Recently I invested in a couple of different coaches and masterminds. I’ve just found that I need to constantly immerse myself, to be around other people to give me new ideas, to feed my hungry student soul.

And so those two things, I would say, will keep you on the path to staying more fired up than not.

Suggestion Three

In the video below I share the absolute worst thing you can do when feeling unmotivated. This is something that will hold you back from achieving the success you really want. Do the opposite, and you WILL see success.

Was that helpful?

Let me know what you think in the comments below. And, feel free to share this with your team.

More Resources For You:

Overcoming The Past To Succeed In Network Marketing

What To Do When Your Stuck In A Rut

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Ray Higdon’s Network Marketing Blog
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PS: If you haven’t recruited anyone, or fewer than 10 people, This Course will Help (and is on Sale)

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