by Ray Higdon | Aug 4, 2020 | homebased business
Motivation is crucial to have in network marketing, but finding it within yourself can be tricky. Here are my thoughts…. How Do You Motivate Your Network Marketing Team Members When you’re a part of a network marketing team, working off of your...
by Ray Higdon | Jul 8, 2020 | homebased business
Looking for things to assign a brand new teammate? Today I’m sharing tips for top network marketing team performance that you can implement today. Best Tasks To Assign To A Brand New Teammate If you want success for your network marketing team, you should focus...
by Ray Higdon | Jun 11, 2020 | homebased business
In any industry, overcoming your mental blocks and dealing wit obstacles can go a long way in growing. Today I’m talking with a reality show contestant on how to accelerate growth and how she was able to work through upper limits and come out stronger. How To...
by Ray Higdon | May 26, 2020 | homebased business, MLM Tips, Thoughts & Events
With so much happening in the world, it’s easy to feel like giving up or quitting, but Marieke Gardner and I chat about how pushing through can pay off in the long run. Check it out… From Almost Quitting, To Bringing in 500 Customers {Interview with...
by Ray Higdon | Apr 22, 2020 | homebased business
Wondering what it takes to go from being stuck to rank advancing several times? Check out how one of our student’s successfully rank advanced over 7 times! How He Went From Nothing To Several Rank Advancements Within a Few Weeks One of our students, Alec Vishal...
by Ray Higdon | Feb 17, 2020 | homebased business
Marketing on Facebook can be tricky the platform is so saturated with marketers. But in order to grow, you need to stand out. Check out my tips below. The Best Way To Market on Facebook Without Losing Followers What are good ways to market on your Facebook page...