Tonight is the Holiday Charity Party in Cape Coral. I am
always excited to party but more than that I am excited to
as many local boys and girls this holiday season.
There has never been a better time to give.
As we all know, the market has affected a lot of people.
Restaurants, title companies, real estate offices, almost
every type of industry in Lee County has been affected by
market. One unfortunate category of people that are
by this market, are the kids. When the parents are making
and less money, there may be no money left for presents for
kids. Each year the Boys & Girls Clubs of Lee County
provide over 1,700 children within our community a positive
place to go and learn essential life skills after school.
87% of the children from these clubs have single parents
working everyday to provide for their family, thus the
children would be out on the streets without parental
guidance if not for the Boys & Girls Clubs.
You Find Out What People Are Made of During Tough Times.
Here’s the history of this holiday party. I was asked to MC
a charity event a few months back to help raise money for
a child that had been in a terrible 4 wheeler accident and was
on life support. The parents of that child were surprised to
find out that their little girl was not going to be covered by
their insurance, so you can imagine what that could do to a
family financially. We had a charity auction there where I bid
on and won a certificate to some restaurant I had never heard
of for 100 people to enjoy unlimited drinks and food for 90
minutes. As of about a month ago, I had pretty much forgotten
about that certificate.
Fast forward a couple months…Here it was coming around to the
holiday season and I had not had time to plan a holiday event.
If you recall, last year we had a huge turnout at the Cape Coral
Yacht Club for our Vegas themed Holiday Party, had over 250
people there to benefit Guardian Ad Litem, Kiwanis Kids and
Voices for Kids, We Had a BLAST! But, last year I had a lot
of help from my now former fiancee as she was really good at
that sort of thing, of which was missed this year.
But then I remembered! What about that certificate? So,
Tonight, we are heading to the restaurant that in such a
trying time in our economy (especially for a restaurant in
Cape Coral) decided to donate such an incredible gift to such
an incredible cause. I am using a certificate I purchased at
a charity event, to hold a charity event, because that is the
way it was intended to be used.
Some say that if you can picture your finances as a bucket, some
people will look to hold onto that bucket of money as tightly as
possible. I believe God looks at those people and thinks, OK,
this person has plenty of money, they do not need any more.
Other people choose to donate their time and money and give as
much money away as possible. I believe these people’s buckets
are looked at as in need of more money and God works quickly
to ensure those people have more money.
Success Without Giving Is Not Success.
Let me ask you this. For those of us with kids…do you feel
and think better when your kids are happy? I know I sure do.
What do you think will happen to the parents of the kids we
help tonight? They will see their kids Happier and will feel
better. This is not JUST about needy kids, but also about needy
parents. This market is the opportunity to see what you are
really made of.
If you can make it tonight, that is wonderful. We are only asking
for a mere $10 donation but you can donate as much as you would
like. I do not believe that donating is losing money, I
believe donating is sending a wave of money back to you…
tenfold. If you cannot make it (heck, maybe you don’t even
live in Lee County), but are blessed enough that you
can afford to give a mere $10 donation, please do so and we
thank you so much. You can donate at this page
If You Are Blessed, Become a Blessing For Others.
Now, for those that have never been to the moorings. It is not
a super fancy place. Tonight is not a black tie event. The
Moorings is locally owned and operated and has been around for
over 20 years! They are known for having excellent service and
food but in these trying times, even places like the Moorings
are experiencing difficulty. This is another reason why it is
so darn cool that Mr Whalen of the Moorings chose to give that
certificate to the charity those months back. Every single penny
that comes in (not just profits) is going straight to the
Boys and Girls Club.
Now, are you blessed? Do you still have a roof over your head?
And while some of you may not eat as fancy as you used to, you
do get to eat right? Are you drinking clean water everyday?
Then You Are Blessed! Did you know across the world that
27,000 people per day die of dysentery due to not having clean
water? Trust me, whatever place you are in, whatever degree of
blessed you are, Know that it could be worse. Show your
support for Southwest Florida Tonight. Show your support for
the parents of Southwest Florida Tonight. Show your support for
the needy kids of Southwest Florida Tonight. And Finally, Show
your support for the local businesses of Southwest Florida Tonight.
Please donate if you can, please come if you can. Let’s all
make a difference this holiday season.
Thank You So Much and I am so grateful to have you listen to
me and help me make a difference. Make it an Awesome Holiday Season!
Date: Wednesday, December 10th
Time: 6:30-8:30pm
Cause: Raise money for Needy Children for the Holidays
Location: The Moorings
Address: 1326 SE 16th Pl., Cape Coral, FL
For More Info:
Ray Higdon
Founder –