Do you want to become a commanding network marketing speaker and trainer? Here are some of our tips to do just that!
Take it from a guy that used to be terrified of public speaking, you CAN become a powerful speaker and trainer!
{Network Marketing Event} The Prospecting and Recruiting Summit
Our biggest event of the year is September 16-18th and we are calling it the Prospecting and Recruiting Summit. This event will share with you how to better prospect and recruit more people into your network marketing team using social media as well as all other forms of prospecting and recruiting. We have not announced the full details of the speakers just yet but they already include recruiting machines such as Brian Carruthers, Cedrick Harris, Amani Zein, Jessica Higdon, John Melton, Diane Hochman and more. It is being held at the Sanibel Harbor Resort in Ft Myers, Florida. We start at 9am on Friday and end at 4pm on Sunday. Hope to see you there! To grab your tickets, CLICK HERE
How to Become a Top Notch Speaker and Trainer
A lot of times we are speaking for networking marketing companies or at network marketing companies to help their reps generate more leads, recruit more reps, become top earners in the company. I do not think that these companies would be seeking us out if we hadn’t created a story inside network marketing. The point is IF you want to become a sought after speaker INSIDE the network marketing profession, it isn’t just about being a great speaker and trainer but also about having a good story in the industry.
Years ago when I was in personal foreclosure, we got focused on a network marketing company, and became the number one income earners in that company. I don’t think that we would be sought after if we didn’t have that story. If I was just really, really good on camera or really good at creating content and things like that, I don’t think the network marketing profession would embrace me nearly as much versus we’ve created a great story. We’ve created a story of success inside the network marketing profession. We created a successful story, did over a million dollars in commissions in that company, was the number one income earners in that company.
If you’re trying to be a top quality network marketing speaker and trainer, you probably want to focus on creating a good story. I know a lot of people that they want to pass the work. They’re like, “You know what? I really like this training and speaking deal, and I really don’t like building a team, so how do I just skip to the front of the line and get up on stage?” In network marketing, that’s tough. It really is, and most companies are structured so that you get the opportunity to speak on stage after you’ve created some success inside your company.
Now, if you’re wanting to be a top quality trainer and speaker and you’re maybe not in networking marketing, then my suggestion is to step into that role. Start creating content. Start shooting videos. Start doing the things that a top quality trainer or speaker would do. Start putting value into the marketplace to attract people to you. The below video shares a couple examples of how we did this and here are a few more resources for you:
Training: How to Gain Authority in ANY Profession or Niche
Tips on Being a Public Speaker
How to Get Over your Fear of Speaking
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PS: Do you want to know EXACTLY what to say to Online Prospects to get them to Join your Team or Buy Your Products? – Free Training Here
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