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Toby & Layla Reveal Their Facebook Network Marketing Tips & Secrets

Enter: Toby and Layla. I remember when I first met them at Numis Network headquarters. They were in a a conference room hammering away at the phones to hit a rank that would allow them to attend one of the corporate functions. They had only been in less than a week! These two are bad a$$ online marketers with the right combination of flair, attitude and hunger.

Coming from a rough patch in life where they lived in the basement of a bar to network marketing superstars in less than 9 months is quite impressive. I begged and pleaded with them to spill their video and facebook marketing secrets and after about 3 weeks of my begging, they agreed to do so in the below video. This is a practical, non-technical way to build your business using facebook. There is nothing fancy about their techniques but their techniques do have something unique versus some of the other marketing tips I have seen floating around the Internet, THEY WORK!

Big thank you again to my good friends and I am so happy to have them on the team, Toby and Layla!

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To Your Abundance!

Ray Higdon
(239) 471-4800
[email protected]

Best Home Based Business, Period

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