Tips for Women Entrepreneurs

Sometimes as a woman business owner there is a large struggle to break past the barriers in front of you. Today Jess interviews Marina Worre wife of Eric Worre on tips for women entrepreneurs and how to think bigger.

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Thinking Bigger with Marina Worre

Jessica Higdon: The Marina Worre, who needs no introduction, mind you, but is a great friend of ours and her and her husband Eric, have built an incredible business with Network Marketing Pro, eight figure business. They’ve created some of the largest events in the world. And the reason I wanted to interview Marina today is to talk about how women have this barrier or have this lack of thinking bigger.

One of the best women that I know who thinks bigger than anybody I’ve ever met between her and Eric, every time I talk to them, my mind is just blown by their vision and what they’ve created in their lives. And so I couldn’t think of anybody better to help you out there think bigger and not just for women but for men as well. But we are specifically talking about women today because obviously both of us are women and I believe that it is a large struggle for a female to sometimes break past the barriers that they’ve been put on their whole life as far as their framework, right? And their programming.

So Marina, thank you so much for being here today. I’m so excited to have you here and our audience is just pumped to hear what you have to say.

Marina Worre: All right. First of all, thank you so much Jessica for having me, it’s my great honor and pleasure. Every time you guys invite me on I’m happy and honored to be on. And the topic today, it’s really, really interesting because, yes, today I can say that I have big goals and big dreams and before I thought I had big goals and big dreams, but I didn’t realize that even then I was still playing so small and thinking so small. And I bet you maybe three, five years from now I’ll be saying that even right now I’m thinking so small because there is more. And inside of our profession, the cool thing about it is we change lives, we truly do. It’s not like a good slogan, it’s not just something that rhymes and sounds good but that’s the reality. Because I’m sure a lot of you guys are watching from different companies, you promote different products and services and all of them are helping people in a lot of different ways, as well as the compensation structure that is attached to it, so our business opportunity inside of network marketing.

So for people to realize that we do have the gift that helps a lot of people especially during the challenging times that we’re living in right now, economic distress, a lot of people lost their jobs. Even though it seems like and hopes like that we’re coming out on the other side, there are still a lot of companies and businesses that they will not come back, that means that those people lost their jobs forever and they’re still looking for different opportunities, so understanding what we have, first of all. Second of all, understanding that you need to build a bigger organization in order to reach more people in order to help more people through your products and opportunity. And I feel like a lot of us we just want to help people in our backyard, we just want to help people right here, the small amount of people that we can reach, but we’re totally forgetting that there are millions and millions that are praying every single night, going to bed and hoping that something going to show up in their lives.

So for me personally, understanding that better and more professionals we become, better we know how to talk to people, better we know how to help them open their mind and see different opportunities and embrace change. Because right now we’re going through a massive stage of change globally, it’s a global reset of whatever that means to you. But our economic is changing, the perception of people is changing, the way we do business is changing, the way we work and from where we work is changing, the way we conduct events is changing, all of those things are changing.

And I’ve seen, especially in the last year, oh, and now it’s a little bit more since COVID hit, people who are entrepreneurially minded, people who are not afraid and understand the power of change and embrace change, they pivot, they adjust, they adopt, and they actually make something. When life gives you lemons you will make a lemonade out of it, and that’s what Eric and I do. But those who are still crossing their fingers and that’s their business plan, it’s not going to be good. So no matter what is happening in the world, I would encourage all of us to think bigger and with a good measurement, because some people is like, well, I don’t know what think bigger means, I don’t know what that means.

Jessica Higdon: Yeah. I’m just going to ask you, what is your process for that? Because every time I see you guys set a goal, like I’m going to build this humongous studio, right? Or I’m going to have the number one virtual event in the world or any of these goals that you all have, when you set that at first it’s going to be like, you’ve got to have a little heart racing like, oh my gosh, are we doing this? We’re doing this. So what is that process that you use specifically? You have everything going on, Eric is amazing and obviously a brilliant businessman. You also have a family, you have to work with all the backend things. You have the house, you have so much going on as well as the business. What is your process for setting a goal and then going after it as hard as you can?

Marina Worre: Yeah. I was just like, she’s just wandering around. But anyway, so I think that if the goal is not scaring the living bejesus out of you, you’re not dreaming big enough. And at the beginning I did not realize that either, I was like, oh yeah, I want to bring more people to the event, oh yeah, I want to do this, oh yeah, I want to do that. But like you said, building the studio first of all, showed me what’s possible. When the person is determined, when the decision is made, when you start taking actions, when failure is not an option and don’t get me wrong, we all fail, we all make mistakes, that is totally normal, that’s part of the journey.

When I say failure is not an option, I mean that, no matter how many times I fail, I’m going to move forward. Quitting is not an option, you’re going to fail your way to success multiple times over but when you feel that, I mean, it’s like I have to deliver, I have to make it happen. We told the world that the event is happening so one way or the other, I had to deliver something that I can do that event from.

And on the other side, I’m not necessarily recommending building a studio in 70 days because it’s insane, it’s hard and especially during the COVID time and factories are shut down, nobody really works, and everything is custom, it’s hard, right? But that situation showed me, first of all, what I’m capable of. My confidence grew so much, so drastically to the point that I was like, oh, you know what?

I got this, I’m actually not bad. I started believing that I have a next year, I have another version of me. But now we’re thinking in a different almost because that opportunity and what we did gave me the permission that everything is possible, that everything is figureoutable and you can make things happen, now we’re dreaming in stratospheres.

Jessica Higdon: Would you say you feel now like you could build anything? Like if I could think of anything more complicated than what you’ve built, I don’t know if I can, I mean, I’m sure it’s out there, but do you feel now like, okay, I can build anything.

Marina Worre: Yeah. I can build anything. And it does not necessarily have to be brick and mortar, it can be something different, like the women’s event right now. Those of you probably who kind of watching what Eric and I do, first of all, everything we do, we are leading by example and showing the principles that we’re teaching, we’re showing them in action. You probably heard Eric say multiple times, he’s the best promoter in the world of the events and this is how we do. This is right now whether it’s happening with the Most Powerful Women event, you just watch what we do and how we do it.

This is the case study for you then take notes and watch what we do, how we do things, how we promote things. And even with this event, my idea was so kind of like, I wanted to break all the records. We still hold our own records from the Go Pro event in December, it was the largest virtual interactive event in the world, I like to break my own records. And so right now, the women’s event that is happening in couple of weeks, I’m pushing to have 150,000 people.

And some people say, it’s like, oh my gosh, you’re insane. It’s just too big, it’s too much, how are you going to reach that goal? So for me, first of all, I decided that in order for me to reach the masses, I wanted to do it free because some people wouldn’t be able to afford it. And because now it’s virtual, there is no need to have the expenses of the travel, the hotels and everything. So now is the time when it’s affordable to every single person so there are no excuses in the world for people to attend.

But most importantly, for me, I wanted to put the stake on the ground of our profession and in the world with the statement of, because guess what? Once we have 150,000 people attending this event, the whole world is going to be talking about us, like who are these people? What is network marketing? What are they doing over there? I mean, it’s like, maybe I should take another look, maybe I should start paying attention, maybe they’re not a pyramid scheme, maybe it’s a legitimate business opportunity.

All of those questions and talks going to start happening, they’re already happening because I’m promoting studio like crazy. I’ve been already in a lot of magazines, in a lot of publications, on the Times Square, I mean, it’s like you name it. And that already, we’re attaching to the studio, the event in network marketing as a case study of how we’re doing the events now, what is the new way of doing virtual events? So that’s what’s happening, so people are already paying attention.

But my goal with the women’s event is for everybody. So hopefully the history will show, about 10, 15, 20 years from now, people will say, it’s like, so what happened in network marketing? What changed? What was the pivotal moment when people opened their eyes and when they were willing to explore this opportunity and more professionals came in and they rebuild the brand and they decided, and it became a legitimate respected business opportunity? And I hope people will point to this event.

And what is even more fun for me, women going to be leading the chart, so we’re going to put a huge opportunity for women, we’re going to show the world who we are, and guess what, if you bring your customers, if you bring your prospects to this event because we’re going to be talking a lot about different mindset issues, things that help women to step into their true potential, to dream bigger, to be bolder, to be who they’re meant to be and achieve big things. Every single person watching that event and participating in it, they will be saying that I want to be part of this community. I love the sisterhood, I want to be a part of this group of people, sign me up, I want to join. So that’s another way I see this event playing big and being outrageous.

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