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The 6 Step Sales Process (taught by Dan Kennedy)
I am re-reading Dan Kennedy’s book, The No BS Sales Success in the New Economy book, and in there he describes a 6 step sales process that is powerful and translates very well to network marketing. I will break down the 6 steps for you in this blog post that you can comment on and share.
Step 1 – Get permission to sell
This is so rarely done by network marketers as they typically just smack their prospect in the face with their product or how they NEED a signup. This is done by establishing if you have anything that the prospect wants. Find out the wants, needs, desires or problems and then get permission to sell. For example, if you determine that you are speaking with someone who needs to replace some of their income they lost, you can use this statement: “If I could show you how to make some extra money from home without interfering with what you are currently doing, would you be open to knowing more about it?”
Note this is done only AFTER you determine what they may want or desire.
Step 2 – Design an offer
As a network marketer, you already have this in place but you should consciously think about how you are going to present it. Dan suggests never let your customer pick from more than 2 options. One strategy is to be prepared to present your highest ticket item first with a lower ticket item to fall back on but never offer more than two options. You are NOT presenting this at this step but simply having it in mind for the next step…
**Example: In my company that people that are serious get the fast track kit along with the accelerator for a total of $1399. However, if someone is unable to handle that size of transaction the fallback is the fast track kit for $495.
Step 3 – The presentation
Dan suggest two different models. One is AIDA, attention, interest, desire and action. You build attention and interest in your presentation to get them to desire what you want and offer a suggested action. The other is PAS, problem, agitate and solve. Bring out the pain of their current situation, agitate it, then offer a solution.
This can typically be handled by a good company presentation (as long as it follows AIDA or PAS) or you can construct this. Notice that both are structured FOR THE PROSPECT, not for the education about your company.
Step 4 – Emotional Logic
People buy based on emotions and attempt to justify their emotional buy with logic. If all you have as a reason to buy your product is that is makes logical sense to do so, you are not going to be doing a whole lot of selling. The emotions to be utilized when selling are:
1. Fear – will they miss out if they do not buy?
2. Guilt – Is there anyone that might be impacted if they do not change directions in their life?
3. Love – Do they know people they could help with your opportunity?
4. Pride – Perhaps they crave recognition?
5. Greed – Winning cars, trips and making a ton of money works for some…
Step 5 – Closing the Sale
You have to avoid any anxiety you have with closing. If you know that your product and opportunity can help people then you HAVE to close the sale to possibly help anyone. I have seen way too many people sabotage the sale. Just the other day at a lunch in Naples, I witnessed a guy that had attended our presentation start to fill out an application after having been suggested to do so by one of my friends. When the guy that invited this person saw what was happening he laughed and said oh my, you don’t have to fill this out now, you can just do it later. Needless to say, he lost that sale and not surprisingly, has yet to make a sale.
You are wasting everyone’s time if you do not close the sale. You cannot create an inspiring story until you make sales and you cannot help anyone that does NOT get into your opportunity. ASK FOR THE SALE. My friend David Wood said this best in a recent company convention. Turn to the person you invited and say (after the presentation) “Are you in or out?”
Step 6 – The morning after
Almost every network marketer fails to do this one crucial step. Some people that get excited and join your business will suffer from buyers remorse. Do not sign someone up and then “hope” they stay in. Concrete their purchase by following up with them the next day. Have other leaders in the company welcome them to the family. Send them a package or gift. Give them homework to do that you will discuss the next day. Remember, network marketing is NOT about a one time sale but about building large, long term teams.
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Ray Higdon
Skype: ray.higdon
Email: [email protected]
Image: Ambro / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
PS: If Your Upline Does Not Have a Step-By-Step Blueprint For Success, Check This Out (Unless You Already Have Too Many Leads) – Click Here For Instant Access
PSS: My company is pre-launching in the UK on September 1st, For More Info on Numis, Go here – Ray and Numis