As a real estate investor I have seen my methods of making money in real estate change drastically in the last few years and one of the things I have done to make extra money is in network marketing opportunities. I have seen real estate folks that swore to never do network marketing opportunities, join one, as the product or timing made sense and fit in with their schedule. After building a few network marketing opportunities, I have found one that is unique and works really well for real estate folks and their clients. It deals with something that goes hand in hand with people that buy and sell real estate and that is silver and gold coins.

There has never been a network marketing company that deals in silver and gold numismatic (or collectible) coins. This is not a bullion trading company, it deals in graded and certified collectible coins which carry a premium value. So, every month, instead of getting a pill, lotion or potion, you actually receive a silver or gold asset! You can learn more at my website – or, you can listen in on one of the calls or if you are in SWFL, you can attend one of these meetings as my guest:

Monday Night – Opportunity Conference Call Monday, 9:00 PM Eastern Time Conference Call In Number: 816-410-7493 Enter Conference ID: 669827#

Tuesday Luncheon in Naples – Noon 1585 Pine Ridge Rd Naples, FL 34109-2102 Bring guests – Everyone has to eat lunch anyway!

Wednesday Night Meeting in Naples Speaker is Ray Higdon 5041 Rustic Oak Cir Naples, FL 34105 7pm – bring guests, very nice house in Banyan Woods

Wednesday, 9:00 PM Eastern Time – New Rep Training Call Conference Call In Number: 816-410-7493 Enter Conference ID: 669827#

Cape Coral Night Meeting – Thursday, August 20th Speaker – Ray Higdon 5253 Mayfair Ct Cape Coral, FL 33904 7pm – bring guests, nice house with a great view of the water!

Get Ready for this Training! Next Saturday – August 22nd – JT Thatch will be coming down from Tampa to show us EXACTLY how he became one of the top reps in NUMIS! This will be an opportunity meeting starting at 9am that you can bring your guests to and then we will go into product and back office training. You do NOT want to miss this! I booked the room from 9am to 1pm and we will be there to help your guests or prospects and you take this thing to a WHOLE OTHER LEVEL! Crowne Plaza Hotel Saturday, August 22nd – 9am – 10am is opportunity meeting, 10am to Noon is training 13051 Bell Tower Drive Fort Myers, FL 33907 Cost: $5 for existing members of Numis and Free to guests

Thanks and good luck to everyone!

Ray Higdon
Southwest Florida Twitter Guy

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