Wondering how to close more reps with ease and speed? Here are the ESSENTIAL steps for closing any network marketing prospect.
If you want to be closing more prospects and rank advancing with no stress, then this will help.
3 Essential Steps For Closing Any Network Marketing Prospect
Closing doesn’t have to be complicated by persuasion tactics and fancy words. It can be simple, real, and effective.
Here are three of the basics, that if mastered, will greatly increase the amount of prospects you close.
See Who’s Open
Instead of wanting to close every person that you ever run into, have a mission in your life that you want to just see who’s open.
Who’s open? You just want to see who’s open.
If they’re open, proceed to the next step.
If they’re not open, DON’T proceed to the next step.
You might follow up with them, and say, “Hey, I’m just curious. Would you be at all open to a side project if it didn’t interfere with what you’re currently doing?”
“Okie-dokie. Have a great day.” You mosey along your way. Not a big deal.
Now, if you’re feeling a little courageous, you got the courage muscle flexing, you could say, “Okay, cool. No problem. Just curious. Do you know anyone that might want to make some extra money if we showed him step by step how to do it?”
Maybe you get some referrals. Maybe they’ll say, “Wait a minute here. Step by step? That really rings my bell.”
**The person that is not even open to the question won’t even hear my company name, won’t even see my company link, won’t get a presentation. NOTHING. They’re not getting anything. They’re left with a mystery because I’m not going to give them all the details.
Eliminate Your Energy Around Rejection
This is difficult for most. And, that’s why we wrote a book for our profession on this EXACT topic.
I co-authored with Richard Fenton and Andrea Waltz “Go For No For Network Marketing.”I highly recommend you get it. It will help you.
Try to reduce your energy around rejection.
So, if I was hooked up to a heart monitor and I just went person to person, getting some yeses, getting some noes, you would just wouldn’t know the difference. You’d watch the heart monitor and be like, “Was that a no? I can’t tell.”
Because I don’t get flustered. I’m not a rollercoaster of emotions.
If someone is NOT open to checking it out, it’s totally cool. On to the next one.
[clickToTweet tweet=”If someone is NOT open, it’s totally cool. On to the next one.” quote=”If someone is NOT open, it’s totally cool. On to the next one.”]
Say Less To More People
Some see an amazing presenter and want to be like them. IF you go out there and you try to explain all the stuff, it’s A LOT of work. Instead, point to a tool.
I did the presentation only a bajillion times. I did it in group for the team and for meetings and things like that. But, I NEVER did it one-on-one. I didn’t like to do it.
Now, I might do a one-on-one meeting and play a video, play a tool, but I don’t want to be presenter man. I don’t want them to think that, “Oh, I have to overcome my fear of speaking, and I have to learn this complicated presentation, and I have to …”
I don’t want them thinking that.
I WANT them thinking, “Boy, I just point to a video. Wow.” That’s what I want people to think.
I can do a full-blown presentation on something I’m selling, but I shouldn’t have them think that if you’re in network marketing that you have to do a presentation.
Use the tool. Love the tool.
Now, people who are really good at presentations and they’re getting started in network marketing, they’ll say, “Pshh, I’m better than that tool, bro. I’m way better, man. When I’m in person, I’m magic.”
Got it. Okay. Cool, man. Congrats. High five. You’re just not as duplicatable, and I hope that’s why you’re in this business.
If you’re just in this business just to sign people up and get a sign-up bonus, go sell cars. Go sell real estate. Go sell anything else with a higher percentage commission or larger dollars because that’s not the point of network marketing. The point is leverage.
And Lastly, Take Ownership
It’s time for you to stop dancing around and really OWN your business. What do I mean by this? In the video below I explain exactly what I mean for you to have LONG term success in your network marketing business.
Stop renting and start owning your business.
What did you think of that? Was it helpful? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below. And, feel free to share this with your team.
More Resources For You:
My Five Favorite Questions When Closing
Training on MLM Recruiting and Cold Market
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PS: If you haven’t recruited anyone, or fewer than 10 people, This Course will Help (and is on Sale)
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