Almost everyday a Network Marketer reaches out to me and asks questions around branding yourself and building a following.
Since this is such a common question, I want to share some of the very first steps I suggest around branding yourself.
Should you bother Branding Yourself BEFORE you Have Success?
Well, I sure am glad I did. I started the process we now teach our clients of branding yourself when I was in foreclosure, dead broke and had failed in 11 different network marketing companies.
I think one MAJOR thing you MUST understand though IF you start the process of branding yourself is that working on your brand and growing it does NOT mean you should stop prospecting, attending meetings and doing all the traditional and fundamental network marketing activities.
Too often I see “woulda-been-good” network marketers get seduced by the power of the Internet and the idea of having a brand that they stop doing all the things that were working or would have worked and their production slows or even stops.
Keep Prospecting WHILE Building your Brand!
When I first started my branding in the network marketing profession, I didn’t have a following, no one knew me in this marketplace and, the results did NOT come quickly. I didn’t have a mentor in the beginning to help me speed this up but it took me a good six months to start generating almost ANY amount of leads, but in the meantime, I prospected HUNDREDS of people. (This blog post may help – What I did BEFORE I had MLM Leads)
First Steps to Growing your Brand
- Stop branding whatever else. People join people, not companies. Most network marketers don’t understand that marketing your company doesn’t really help you much if at all. In fact, it hurts more people than it helps. Let people wonder what company you are in and have them reach out to you.
- Start adding value. The easiest and fastest way to do this is to do Facebook live videos. They have more reach than anything else normal people can do, are easy and most people have the ability to do them. We define Value as the solving of problems or helping facilitate the achieving of desires through education. You want to think about WHO you are trying to attract to you, what type of person and then identify what they would like/need to know and what problems might you be able to help them with. IF you are in a health and wellness company, this blog post may help you – Four Tips to Crush it in a Health and Wellness MLM
- Be consistent. If you want to crush it, one video a week ain’t gonna do it. Just like if you want to win bodybuilding competitions, one workout a week also won’t do it. IF you want to build a large brand and following, provide value consistently, preferably daily.
- Don’t spend a bajillion dollars on guru level camera lenses, lighting kits, microphones, websites, etc at first and instead, focus on the actual habit of creating value.
- Get a capture page so you can start building your list. The simplest software to do this is ClickFunnels in our opinion. I have seen some very technically challenged people be able to use that software.
There you go, there are five of the early steps to take when it comes to branding yourself. IF you want to dive deeper on growing a brand, check out this training – Five Ways to Brand yourself Online
Helpful? Feel free to drop me a comment and share around if you want more information like this!
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PS: If you haven’t recruited anyone, or fewer than 10 people, This Course will Help (and is on Sale)
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