This explains our high profit online MLM model IN DETAIL.
IF you want to increase profits, your own branding and take your life to the next level, you might enjoy this.
Why do we Do Network Marketing?
I cover this in more detail in this video – Passive Residual Income vs High Salary but the bottom line is even though my wife and I make multiple millions a year from our coaching and training business, none of it is actually residual.
I personally think everyone should have a position in a network marketing company whether they plan on ever doing it fulltime or not. Pick one that has a great training and leadership model so that when you recruit someone who does want to do it fulltime, they can get the kind of support you may not be able to offer if you don’t plan on doing it fulltime.
Should you Learn Online Network Marketing Strategies?
It is crazy to me that this is ever a question, but it is. Not every company teaches online MLM strategies but the fact is 100% of the people that are in your network marketing team or company use the Internet to search for trainings, to search for about everything and almost all of them are on Facebook as well. I won’t cover social media prospecting in this post but it has been a major part of our business. If you want to learn that, register for one of my wife’s webinars here.
Our Online MLM Business Model
From 2009 to about 2012, my main focus of using the Internet was to get recruits for my network marketing company. Using that model we did become the number one earners in our last company, earning over one million dollars in commissions. I would put content on my blog to generate leads and then connect with those leads via email and the phone to see if they were open to joining my team.
There was a problem though…
MOST people I talked to were already in a company and I never felt it was a good karma to bash one company to push my own. I also believe that there are people that need more than just what my network marketing company offers so I became an affiliate of a few different online MLM systems and products and if I connected with a lead that was happy in their company but needed training, I would suggest them a product that I felt would help them and make a commission.
THIS simple model is what has allowed me to make over one million dollars in AFFILIATE marketing.
I also realized that there were some things that I could personally teach better than the affiliate products I was promoting so we started creating our own products and again when we talked with someone who were happy in their company but wanted training their company didn’t offer, we would suggest buying one of our products.
THIS simple model is what has allowed us to make over three million dollars in selling our own products.
We then recognized that some of the people coming to us were making a lot of money in their company but their branding outside of their company sucked as no one outside of their company knew them. Between that and other people that wanted to up their branding which now includes law firms, snack companies and real estate investors, we created our mastermind program to give them more personal attention and guidance.
THIS simple model is what has allowed us to make over one million dollars in selling coaching and mastermind programs.
Why This Online Multi Level Marketing Model Works
Our model works because we aren’t trying to be a one trick pony but just offering people to join our network marketing company. The truth is anyone can create success IF they stay in the game long enough and to stay in the game you MUST generate profits.
People ask me what I hope to sell when we generate a lead (by the way, we have built an email list of 95,000 and bring in 3,000-4,000 leads every single month) and the truth is we hope to sell them whatever will help them the most. IF it is them joining our network marketing team, awesome! IF it’s buying one of our many products, AWESOME!
IF you adopt an online MLM business model that solves the problems of your audience, whether you are attracting network marketers, health and wellness people or whatever, and you consider all the monetization ideas I talk about in this article, you WILL find yourself more profitable. This is EXACTLY what we teach at our Top Earner Academy event once a year, IF you want to dive deep into this model, grab your ticket(s) to our next one in August, in Tampa, details are here.
Is it Duplicatible?
This is a common question when we share our online MLM model. Does it duplicate? Here’s the truth, anything to generate a lead or prospect isn’t duplictable. Yep, I said it. In your company there are doctors that talk to their patients and fellow doctors, is that duplicatible? Do you need to get a medical degree and open a practice to duplicate them? No, you don’t and that also isn’t duplicatible.
Once we determine that a lead has interest in our network marketing business we snap them into the exact same system everyone else uses to expose the business to them, for us, it is an online video.
Know what else ISN’T duplicatible? Talking to strangers. Yep, I said it, ask yourself how many people in your team refuse to talk to strangers, that would be most of them. The hungry network marketers will DO the non-duplicatible things to build their business, the non-hungry ones won’t do any of those things including blogging, talking to strangers or even calling their warm market.
Why Explain Our Model?
I just shared with your business model, shouldn’t I be worried that people will copy this model and implement it themselves? The answer is, well, maybe, but that is not how I roll…
We share exactly what we do because I believe in abundance. I believe that each and every person that reads this can create a model just like ours and make lots of money and help a lot of people.
Do you appreciate me going into major detail about our online MLM model? If so, feel free to share and please drop me a comment below and we will keep sharing more!
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Ray Higdon’s Network Marketing Blog
Skype: ray.higdon
Email: [email protected]
“I Teach You the Marketing, Mindset and Sales Strategies to Make More Money and Follow Your Passion!”
PS: If You Don’t have a Team, Haven’t Recruited Anyone (or less than 10 people), This is the Course you Should Get – Network Marketing Training Course
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