These network marketing scripts may be VERY helpful to you IF you want to boost your recruiting.
If you struggle with overcoming objections, this tip and these scripts may really help.
What Happens in Vegas…Gets put on my Blog =)
This weekend I had the pleasure for speaking for the No Excuses Summit run by Elite Marketing Pro and it was a blast! I had so much fun speaking to over 300 entrepreneurs and marketers about growing their business using the Internet and met some great people.
One of the other speakers was my bud Greg Gomez and Greg spoke about closing more sales and overcoming objections. He gave a bit of advice in regards to overcoming objections that I will expand on in today’s blog post.
Heads Up
By the way, tomorrow is the final day to watch these videos on building momentum in your network marketing business. They were put together by friends of mine that make over $30,000 PER WEEK and are absolute legends in our profession. Make sure you watch them and check out their brand new course they just launched as well.
Network Marketing Scripts to Help You
Greg said when overcoming objections or answering questions, always answer the question and add in a benefit statement in your response. This is brilliant advice and the example he used was in regards to getting people to attend events. I will share his example and then expand and give some of my own.
Overcoming Objections: Getting Teammates to Attend Events
So, you answer their question that they have and then mix in a benefit statement, here goes:
Teammate: Do I have to pay for my airfare?
You: Yes, you do (THE ANSWER), and one of the cool things is once you get there you will get to meet my mentor that showed me how to build this business. (A BENEFIT STATEMENT)
Teammate: Is there a cost to attend the event?
You: Yes, there is, the cost is ______ (THE ANSWER) and the cool thing is when my teammate _____ went they came back home and were able to generate _____ number of sales and signups, you are going to crush it! (A BENEFIT STATEMENT)
Was that Helpful so Far? Let’s do Two More…
Prospect: Do I have to pay every month to be a part of it?
You: Yes, you do and the cool thing is once you get X number of people, which, we show you exactly how, you no longer have to pay that and you will still get all the benefits.
Prospect: Do I have to talk to other people about this?
You: Yes, you do, and the cool thing is we teach you step by step where to find people and exactly what to say to them, the even cooler thing is all you are doing is pointing them to the system that does the heavy lifting for you. (TWO benefit statements)
See how that works? The next time you have to answer a question that may have a perceived negative response, turn that frown upside down by offering a benefit along with your response.
Click here to Tweet These Cool Tips
Want More?
Here are a few more resources on prospecting and recruiting:
3 Network Marketing Recruiting Tips from a Master
Your Turn!
How about you get some practice RIGHT NOW? Comment below a simple example of responding to a question with an answer and then a benefit statement. We just might be able to turn this one post into a resource you can constantly refer back to. Comment below with a simple example and share your knowledge with others! Feel free to share this post with teammates and others if you got value from it.
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Ray Higdon’s Network Marketing Blog
Skype: ray.higdon
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“I Teach You the Marketing, Mindset and Sales Strategies to Make More Money and Follow Your Passion!”
PS: If You Don’t have a Team, Haven’t Recruited Anyone (or less than 10 people), This is the Course you Should Get – Network Marketing Training Course
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