Is your prospect telling you they don’t have the money to join?

In this training I share the 3 questions to ask your prospect to get them to join.

How To Respond To Your Prospect Who Has No Money

Most people have the resources. They have the mental or financial resources to actually come up with the money and move forward. But, you need to get some clarification first. Here are the 3 questions to ask your prospect.

1. If you had the money would you join?

First of all I would ask them, “Hey, I just got to clarify, if you had the money would you join?”

Now, sometimes they’ll say, “Well, you know I’d think about it.” And, then you realize that your not battling the money.

You need to first clarify what you’re battling. Am I battling the money or are they just saying that as an excuse and they think that I can’t overcome it?

So, find that out first.

2. How far off are we?

Here’s the ultimate question that will help you so much. I learned it from, Cesar Rodriguez. I thought it was such a great question that I incorporated it.

“How far off are we?”

Let’s just say that in this example it’s $500 to join. If you don’t ask this question, you’re battling that 500 bucks.

When you say, “how far off are we?” At a $500 join, I’ve had people say, “Well, I’ve got $450.”

Now what am I battling? I’m battling $50. I’m not battling 500. $50, I’m battling $50. It’s a lot easier than $500.

3.  HOW could we come up with that money?

Then, I’m going to ask “How could we come up with that money.”

I’ve had people pawn bicycles, musical instruments, TV’s, DVD’s, furniture, and jewelry. And, I’ve had people borrow money.

But, I throw the question at them and I see if they have a resource.

The word HOW forces them to work on a solution.

Now I’m not saying that every person you ask is automatically going to have an amazing solution, but it does force them to think about a solution.

It forces them to think “Well, my uncle owes me 50 bucks, I guess I could go by and collect on that. Or you know what? I could borrow 20 bucks from these two people, and 10 bucks from here. And you know what? I got 10 bucks in my room.”

So, don’t use the money objection as a stumbling block.  Use it as a way for you to get clarification. Ask them a couple questions and see where it takes you.

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More Resources For You:

Network Marketing Prospecting Objections: “Think About It”

How To Follow Up With Network Marketing Prospects

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