MLM BusinessAre you wanting to launch your MLM business in a new city? Maybe you just moved there and don’t know anyone, how should you do it?

This post will give you some very practical tips to grow your MLM business anywhere, you may want to share these tips with your team as well.

{Network Marketing Event} The Prospecting and Recruiting Summit

Our biggest event of the year is September 16-18th and we are calling it the Prospecting and Recruiting Summit. This event will share with you how to better prospect and recruit more people into your network marketing team using social media as well as all other forms of prospecting and recruiting. We have not announced the full details of the speakers just yet but they already include recruiting machines such as Brian Carruthers, Cedrick Harris, Amani Zein, Jessica Higdon, John Melton, Diane Hochman and more. It is being held at the Sanibel Harbor Resort in Ft Myers, Florida. We start at 9am on Friday and end at 4pm on Sunday. Hope to see you there! To grab your tickets, CLICK HERE

How to Launch your MLM Business in a New City

What do you do if you’re brand new in a city, how do you launch your MLM business?

Number one, I’d reach out to all the people that are either in my team, or just people that I know in wherever I’ve moved from, and ask them, “Hey, I’m new to wherever, do you know anyone in this city? See if you can get some introductions. That’s a resource that very few people think about, but it’s an awesome resource because if you can get introduced into a group, that’s pretty awesome. I’d reach out to all your friends, family members, etc. that you like and you enjoy, and just ask them, say, “Hey, I just moved to Milwaukee, do you know anyone in Milwaukee? I’d love to meet them, I’m new, I don’t know anybody.” That would be one suggestion.

Second suggestion is go to and look in that area to see what meetings are going in that area and see if there’s any topics that you like. Whatever you like, maybe there’s a network marketing meetup, maybe there’s a law of attraction, sales, or realtors, or whatever interests you. Look for things that interest you, maybe it’s just a networking get to know people or a Chamber of Commerce event, etc. you may want to go there, and when you go there, I would not pitch anything. I would try to say as little as possible, and put on my listening ears, like Judge Judy says, put on your listening ears, and I would grab as many business cards as possible and follow up with them the next day. From there, you might start posting on social media, “Hey, just moved to blank, what’s there that’s cool to do around here?” Just to alert people that you’re in a new area, and see what you get. You may not get much, depending on your social media presence before you moved, but you may get some people reaching out to you.

Lastly, I would say understand that all of the cold market prospecting strategies still apply to you. You can still go to a restaurant and prospect a waiter or waitress. You can still go to a networking function and get business cards and follow up with them. You can still do all of those things. You can go on Facebook and look at the local Chamber of Commerce, see who’s members of that and reach out to them saying, “Hey, I’m new to this area, I saw that you’re part of the Chamber of Commerce, is that a group that you suggest, do you like it, how long have been a part of it? Sorry for all the questions, but I’m new here.” Most people, so long as you don’t send a link, don’t send a link, don’t say, “I’m new here and I’ve got this great business opportunity, it’s amazing, it’s ground floor billion dollars.” Don’t do that, calm her down, ease off the Red Bull, and just be a human being. Just imagine, being a human being. Wouldn’t that be cool? Ask them some questions, don’t send a link, don’t give them a pitch, and see where it takes you. If you want to learn all our best strategies on Cold Market Prospecting, Be sure to Register for this Training

Here are some additional resources for you:

How to Build a Million Dollar Rolodex

MLM Recruiting Scripts

In the below video I dive deeper on building your MLM business in a new city, feel free to share!

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PS: If You Don’t have a Team, Haven’t Recruited Anyone (or less than 10 people), This is the Course you Should Get – Network Marketing Training Course

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