Today you will learn how to change your money mindset for the better.

First, I’m going to help you identify exactly what your money mindset is with a proven technique. Next, we are going to dive into exactly how to improve your money mindset, so you actually start making more money and attracting more money. It’s going to be awesome. Lastly, I’m going to give you two powerful exercises to help you get more money.

How to know your money mindset.

So how do you know what your money mindset actually is? This may challenge you. But the reality is, your money mindset is equal to how much money you have right now. I know, you have read Think and Grow Rich…you have read it three times and you have read all these different books and attended courses, and you know a lot about money. But your actual money mindset is reflected back to you based on how much money you actually have in assets, retirement planning and funds and bank account, etc. I know that that may be tough to hear. But hopefully, if you stick with me here, it’ll give you some hope, because you can change it.

You can change it.

Vadim Zealand, says that, “your reality is a slow moving mirror reflection of what’s inside you, your beliefs, your emotions, and your thoughts.” Everything out there is based on who you have been until now. However, you have been showing up that has slowly materialized into your reality. If you struggle with money, if you don’t have a lot of money, that’s because you have certain beliefs about money. Maybe you believe that having more money is bad or greedy or evil or “those darn corporate fat cats or whatever. The poor money mindset that has invaded your space and that you bought into if you watch the media or Hollywood or politicians. They will have you believing that people with a lot of money earned off the backs of others and they are terrible. If you believe that, then you will never have a lot of money, because you wouldn’t want to become something that you despise, you’ll never become something you despise. With that understanding, there’s hope.

If we know that our reality out there is just a slow moving mirror reflection of what’s in our minds, then we need to change what’s in them, don’t we? This morning, I shaved, what I didn’t do was squirt shaving cream on my mirror and run a razor along it because that wouldn’t make any sense. I focused on the source, I focused on the source of the hair, not the reflection of the hair. Now hopefully that analogy you’re catching on is instead of trying to change your bank account….you may want to change it or it needs to increase. Then you need to change your beliefs about money. Why should you have more money in that bank account? So we are going to dive into that now.

I used to be the guy with all the answers, but no money in the bank. I would attend events and I would think, “oh I have heard that before….Oh, that’s from a book,” but I was broke. What the hell am I doing trying to answer questions or thinking that I have all the answers, right? Silly. It’s not what you know or what you think you know, it’s actually what is in your reality. That’s the better test of what your money mindset is, your reality. 

How do you improve your money mindset? 

Here’s a way that you can improve your money mindset. List out all the good things that you would do, if only you had more money. Would you do some new things with your kids or your spouse? Would you give to your favorite charity or church? Is there a cause that is meaningful to you? Would it be cool to just walk into your favorite cause and stroke them a check for $100,000? How would that feel? What kind of impact would that make? Over the years, we have raised hundreds and hundreds of 1000s of dollars for March of Dimes, for the Muscular Dystrophy Association and to help fight human trafficking. Last year, we raised over $120,000 to help with Dr Joe Dispenza’s research around how meditation impacts stress and depression and the immune system. None of those things would have been possible if we didn’t have the money and presence to put on events and actually donate.

Also understand that with more money you can do more good. If you embrace that, you’re going to fight some of those stereotypes that you may have against people that have a lot of money. With more money you could do more good…so what would you do? Make a list of what it is that you would be doing if only you had more money? Don’t forget to get something for yourself! It doesn’t have to be all for other people. If you had more money, would you get a new car? Would you upgrade your office chair? Would you get a new fridge? What would you get? What would you get? But also who would you benefit? Would you invest in yourself and become a better speaker so you can impact more people? Would you invest in yourself to start your own YouTube channels so that you can reach more people and help more people? What would you do? That is such a powerful exercise.

Here is something that we do every single week, called Wealth Wednesday. We have been doing this for years. I think the last (probably) five years, every single week, we teach our Rank Makers group, Wealth Wednesday.

Wealth Wednesday is where you do a random act of kindness for a stranger involved in a financial exchange.

Every single week, we have hundreds, sometimes thousands of people all over the world, do random acts of kindness. Sometimes that’s paying for the person behind them in the drive thru, paying for the person behind them in a toll booth, sometimes it is reverse shoplifting where they go into a grocery store and sneak money into something like a diaper bag, baby formula, dog food, whatever. It’s cool, because we have actually gotten international coverage of some of our Rank Makers in different areas, doing these random acts of kindness and actually making it to the news or on the radio, into an article or on social media. Why do that, because it’s chipping away at your money mindset. Because if you can do that and know that you feel good doing it you’re making someone else feel good, well, then that means with more money, you can do more good. That will help you pave the path for you to start to allow more money to come to you.

Let’s hear from you.

Before we get to my last point, I would love to hear from you. What is your number one struggle with money? Be honest here, I read and respond to every single comment. Drop me a comment down below. What’s your number one struggle with money, because we may have a resource that could help you or maybe I have a quick answer for you. But drop me a comment. We would love to know.

Two ways to get more money in your life.

Here are two practices to help you get more money. Number one is very simple. “I can afford that.” We are walking through life and we are watching TV or we see our friends and we see them have something nice or someone on TV has something nice. “Oh, I wish I could afford that. Oh, boy, would it be nice to get something like that….” Yeah, right. I know so many people that multiple times a day, maybe even dozens of times a day, they’re walking around and noticing all the things that they can’t afford. So they look around and feel really bad. Well, if you’re carrying a vibration of “I can’t afford things,” then you’re actually impacting your money mindset. Remember, reality is a slow moving mirror reflection of what’s inside you. Inside you, you’re constantly thinking “I can’t afford that,” then reality has to react to that. Reality has to show you that. “Yep, you’re right!” You see, you don’t get what you want. You get what you are.

Neville Goddard says, “anytime your wish conflicts with your feeling, the feeling will always be the victor.” You can wish for that Rolls Royce or Bentley or new car or new house or whatever. But if inside, you’re like “yeah right,” well that’s the emotion, the emotion will always be the victor, the feeling will always be the victor. Instead, switch it up! I want you to…as you’re driving through town, as you’re watching TV, I want you to force yourself to say, “I can afford that.” “I can afford that.” You see a Lamborghini pass you, “I can afford that.” Start feeling better about the things that you’re noticing. Being a guardian, be a guardian of your money, mindset, language and your emotions. Don’t allow yourself to sustain and hold onto negative feelings about you and money. Instead…maybe you go down to the high end shopping district and you walk into places and you think, “I can afford that… I can afford that.” Now I’m not saying you have to buy any of this stuff, but you just saying, “I can afford that” and really owning that in your heart… owning that emotionally, “I can afford that,” you will start to see unbelievable things show up in your life and you will start to feel better about allowing more money into you. That is the key.

The word here is allow. Abundance is everywhere. A few months ago I wrote on social media, “the rich get richer, and the poor get poorer because both groups are verifying what they believe to be true.” People have a lot of money right now with investments and stuff. I know the stock market’s weird, but there are so many opportunities to make more money. Many opportunities, the rich are getting richer, right? But the poor are poorer too. Why? Because they believe making money is hard. They believe that you have to be special to have a lot of money. So they constantly verify that to be true. What are you verifying to be true?

Now the second practice is a nighttime visualization. Before bed is your most critical time, because that’s when your subconscious kicks in, which is literally the co creator of your reality and your subconscious. It doesn’t understand affirmations, it doesn’t understand language. It only understands emotions. So before bed every night…I do this every single night. I see myself having the things I want in my life. I would suggest to you to avoid just thinking more money, more money, more money, I would suggest against that. I would take it one step further and say okay, well what would I do if I had more money and start seeing those things.

Start visualizing, start spending more time with memories of your future than memories of your past. That may sound weird. Memories of my future? Well, that just means you’re repeating it, you’re seeing the future as if you already have it. You’re seeing the future as if you’ve already done that thing or own that thing, etc. Start seeing yourself as having the things that you would have, if only you had more money. Instead of focusing on the tool, money, focus on what you would do. Would you live in a different zip code? Would you give more to charity? Would you buy a better car for your son or daughter? Whatever, whatever you want. See that before you go to bed, feel it emotionally as you head off to bed and you’re telling your subconscious here’s what I’d like to experience more of in my life. Watch how that changes your life.

Want additional help?

Would you like help with increasing your money mindset, generating more money and attracting more money, we have an incredible coaching program that can help. Here is the link, Feel free to click it, fill out the application and be honest with us, tell us what it is that you’re struggling with and we might be able to help you. Our coaching program is designed to help people at all levels in their life and I know that we can help you.

Ray Higdon

Play Bigger. Make An Impact.

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