If you want to rank up in your network marketing company, here’s what type of goals you need to set and exactly how to hit them.
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Ranking Up In Your Network Marketing Company
Most people fail at annual goals because they are NOT backed up by a break down, by strategy, and they are not accompanied by the other 2 categories of goals.
Before we get into all 3 goals.. It’s important to keep your word.
Your word has power and it should be honored.
[clickToTweet tweet=”Your word has power and it should be honored.” quote=”Your word has power and it should be honored.”]
Most people don’t keep their word. They say, “We should meet for lunch.” But, have no intension of actually doing so.
If you so freely give your word out and non-meaningful ways, how can anything you say have any power?
So, keep your word to others and to yourself.
If you don’t keep your word, it’s not powerful.
3 Sets Of Goals
There are 3 sets of goals. And, I would encourage you to embrace all 3 sets.
In the training below is what type of goals you need to set and exactly how to hit them.
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More Resources For You:
How I’d Start Over And Build A New Team
Why People Will Join You If You Are Brand New
29 Sources of Leads so you never run out of people to talk to again.
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