As a Fort Myers Life Coach, I have the extreme pleasure of working with all types of people, mainly people looking to change or better their lives and go more toward their passion and away from their current circumstance. One of the biggest things I have learned as a Fort Myers Life Coach is if you want to have a better life, you have to change your story. Most people that are going through tough times tend to tell everyone around them all the reasons why they are having a tough time, how bad of a time they are having and how they got there. Here are two lines that may help you if you also tend to do this:

Defending where you are, keeps you where you are

Telling it like it is, keeps it like it is

If you are living your passionate dream life, then KEEP TELLING THAT STORY and if you are not, STOP TELLING THAT ONE! When you keep rehashing all the reasons why you are struggling it drums up those feelings in you and you constantly relive this terrible story that is not the real YOU! This doesn’t mean you have to lie but you don’t have to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth unless you like that version of the truth! If you are currently struggling, start talking about how things are getting better for you, about the new things in your life that have promise and be grateful for what you have! If those that are struggling could just stay more in gratitude they would feel better which would send a cascade of resources their way to feel better about! Our emotions attract the good or bad things in our life so if you are defending where you are, and you don’t like where you are, STOP IT!

Ray Higdon
Fort Myers Life Coach