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Should You Even Bother with
Cold Market Prospecting?
Had it with trying to recruit your friends and family members? Should you learn how to get better at Cold Market prospecting?
This blog post will share with you some considerations when it comes to warm and cold market prospecting.
Why Don’t More Companies Suggest Cold Market Recruiting?
If you attend your network marketing company’s big events, chances are you ONLY hear them talk about warm market right? Then should you bother with learning cold market prospecting?
The answer is, it depends. Like I said in this training (that some called the best MLM prospecting training they had even been on), you are either rewarded or punished for the life you lived BEFORE you joined a network marketing company. IF you were someone of value, that did what they said they would do, that cared about others and focused on what value you could bring to your community and warm market, you WILL be rewarded. If, however, you have NOT always done what you said you would do or maybe was more of a TAKER, you WILL struggle with trying to recruit your warm market.
It also has to do with who you have surrounded yourself with. IF you have surrounded yourself with abundant minded, self-development type folks, you have a better chance than if you have surrounded yourself with people that just aren’t into that stuff and are happy living a smaller life.
If you are someone that is seriously struggling with your warm market, you absolutely should learn cold market prospecting. The reason companies don’t typically teach this stuff is it DOES require a set of skills that warm market recruiting doesn’t.
Benefits of Cold Market Prospecting and Some Tips
1. Your cold market doesn’t know you’ve been in 15 companies and never succeeded in any of them. Position yourself as an expert without being boastful. I will go more in depth on this in my Cold Market Prospecting training on Wednesday.
2. You will recruit some people that have great warm markets and they can pretty much say almost ANY script to get signups but YOU learning cold market prospecting will help you to be able to teach those that don’t have great warm markets. Learn how to train ALL types and you will grow a serious business.
3. While it is true there is nothing like someone with a good warm market, and truly a good warm market never actually runs out, Cold Market is everywhere. It’s on social media, it’s serving you at the restaurant, it’s showing up at the networking meetings in your area, master cold market prospecting and you will NEVER go hungry!
Was this beneficial? Be sure to share this with anyone who might be frustrated and feel free to tell them about our webinar on Wednesday, all about Cold Market prospecting. I am going to teach you how to call leads, approach strangers and even why tonality in your face can increase your recruiting percentage by 50% or more!
If you are excited about the webinar, be sure to leave a comment below!
To Your Abundance!
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Ray Higdon’s MLM Blog
Skype: ray.higdon
Email: [email protected]
“I Show Network Marketers How to Recruit More Reps, Get More Leads and Become a Top Earner in Their Network Marketing Company.”
Image(s): FreeDigitalPhotos.net
PS: Could You Benefit from Group Coaching with Me? Our Top Earner Success School starts soon! Click Here for Details
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