What do you say when someone asks, “How much money have you made in network marketing?”
In this post I share EXACTLY how to answer your prospects with truth and posture.
How To Answer “How Much Have You Made In Network Marketing?”
This is a question that you most likely get when people feel like you’re maybe not as postured as you could be. Right? That maybe you’re not as confident as you could be, and people like to ding you with this question. “Well how much money have you made in network marketing?”
Obviously, those of you who haven’t made any money in network marketing, you’re, “What do I say?” Right? My suggestion for this circumstance would be you can rely on your upline. You can rely on even trainers. You can use a little bit of my story, if you’d like.
But my suggestion on answering that is to say:
“Hey, you know what? I’m just getting started, but the people that I’m working with and getting trained by have made millions of dollars in network marketing. They’re showing me exactly what to do, so I’m fired up about it. I’m just getting started, but I’m excited that I’m learning from people who’ve proven it over the last X number of years. They’re helping me follow the exact footprints, exact steps that they took to make money, so I’m fired up about it.”
That’s how I would answer it. By painting where you’re going. It’s very powerful.
Hold Your Posture
If they’re asking in a cynical, skeptical kind of manner, what’s more important than you actually answering it, is causing them to question why they asked it. I don’t mean in your words, but I mean in how you handle the question.
If someone says, “Well, how much money have you made?” and you say, “You know what? I’m just getting started, but I’m working with people who’ve made millions and are showing me exactly what to do.” And you DON’T FOLD, DON’T CRACK, DON’T CRUMBLE or anything like that. You just answer them, matter-of-factly. And you’re not affected by their crappy question. Then that’s really POWERFUL. They’ll be like, “Mm man, wow. This person’s on the go.”
The truth is, even if you answer them, “I’ve made $100,000.” That doesn’t mean they’re going to join you.
I’ve found that people who ask questions in a cynical, skeptical kind of way, even when you answer them with a good answer to whatever their question is, it doesn’t mean they’re going to join you. I would rather cause doubt in the person that asks that question. You can do that by staying postured.
Posture (for those that may not know or are new to the show) we define posture as, “The belief in what you have regardless of external acceptance or approval.” I don’t need their acceptance or approval to know that what I have is a good thing.
[clickToTweet tweet=”I don’t need their acceptance or approval to know that what I have is a good thing. – Ray Higdon ” quote=”I don’t need their acceptance or approval to know that what I have is a good thing. – Ray Higdon “]
More resources for you:
MLM prospecting tips if you are shy or even scared to talk to others.
Wish you could start your New Rep off right? Check out our Home Business Fast Start CD!
29 Sources of Leads so you never run out of people to talk to again.
Hope that helped you. Leave a comment below and let me know what you think. Feel free to share with your teammates.
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PS: If you haven’t recruited anyone, or fewer than 10 people, This Course will Help (and is on Sale)
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