5 Free Marketing Ideas to Get Leads
Today I am gonna share 5 free marketing ideas to get leads for your business.
This might be a great one to share with your teammates and really get your team rocking!
Free Book on Marketing
IF you are serious about getting better at marketing, online or offline, I HIGHLY suggest you get the bonuses and pay for the shipping for this book by Russell Brunson. Right now he is waiving the cost of the book and by just paying shipping you are getting one of the best books on marketing that has ever been created AND he is also giving you a ton of bonuses just for getting the book, again, IF you are serious about doing smarter marketing, definitely suggest you get the book.
The REAL Point of Marketing and Advertising
This blog post is FULL of free marketing ideas that you can use to get more leads and prospects in front of your service, opportunity or product. You should know that the REAL point of marketing and advertising is NOT to spend less but to create the ability to spend more. To create an ad or marketing idea that costs you $1 to run but makes you $1.50 is a good thing and you should also understand that you cannot scale free. Enjoy these free marketing ideas but just remember that paying for marketing is NOT a bad thing especially if it makes you more than you spend (obviously).
5 Free Marketing Ideas to Get Leads
Although I didn’t copy word for word anything from this site, I did get some inspiration on free marketing ideas from this article (Wordstream.com).
1. Attract AND Retain your Perfect audience by blogging. This first of the free marketing ideas is actually my favorite. Blogging has been my secret weapon since I started. It is my way of constantly fashioning ways to educate and attract my exact target market. Blog posts last forever and are free to do. Yes, it cost a small fee to set one up but after the initial setup, blog your heart out and know that you don’t get charged per post, but, if you do it right, you may just make money on each post. IF you are an existing blogger, and you feel you should be getting more leads and making more money, feel free to email me and ask me about my private blogging association. (you can email me at [email protected])
2. Shoot videos. Lots and lots of people are shooting videos now a days but they should follow a certain format. IF you are brand new to shooting videos, you may get benefit from my Video Marketing Course that teaches you what to say and how to say it. Let me share the basic format of a good video though, it has four parts, 1. Intro (who are you), 2. Question (what will you be sharing with the viewer, this is sorta like the tease), 3. Content (share what you want to share and 4. CTA (Do a call to action, if you don’t have a capture page setup, just tell them to connect with you on Facebook or email you).
3. Social Media Marketing. This is different than PROSPECTING, I am talking about marketing which is where you are taking an action and hoping unidentified individuals reach out to you. Well, one simple strategy that many of the top recruiters I have ever met will create something that relates to business or their product and then anyone who likes or comments will get prospected. Maybe you post something like this image:
now anyone who likes or comments (positively) on that image just might be a great fit for your opportunity. Reach out to them and say something like “Hey, I saw you liked/commented on my post about being an entrepreneur, do you have a business yourself?” And just see where the conversation goes. They may tell you to beat it but they may just engage with you and you take it from there. If you have no idea how to interact with other human beings in regards to conversing about your opportunity or company, you may want to get my Top Earner Recruiting Secrets course.
4. Send daily emails. This is another one of those free marketing ideas that has made me a lot of money. If you adopt the idea of sending daily emails you will force yourself to get better at coming up with content. What should your content be? It should be geared toward solving the problems of your target market. What do they struggle with and what can you learn to help them or what have you already learned? Network marketers struggle with what to say, how to get leads, how to close and the mindset of becoming a top earner so I tend to focus around helping those areas.
5. Offline attraction marketing. This is an EPIC video I did years ago on the subject Offline Attraction Marketing to Build your Local MLM Team, if you haven’t watched it, it might blow your mind. The basic concept though is you pick an exact type of person you want to get into your business and you create presentations to help them solve their problems and put on Free events for them. For example, if you wanted to attract realtors to you to build relationships with them you might create a presentation called “7 Ways to Find Buyers Using the Internet” and teach basic marketing concepts and then market the heck out of that event. The video on that blog post talks about the details of how to do it.
Join the Conversation
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Ray Higdon’s Network Marketing Blog
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“I Teach You the Marketing, Mindset and Sales Strategies to Make More Money and Follow Your Passion!”
PS: If You Don’t have a Team, Haven’t Recruited Anyone (or less than 10 people), This is the Course you Should Get – Click Here
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