Ready to make this your most successful year?
Here’s how to combat complacency and achieve all of your goals.
Making This Your Most Successful Year
A mentor of mine asked, “What is your number one fear when it comes to business?”
My number one fear is complacency.
Complacency is the absolute enemy of a producer.
I see so many people that they get to a certain level and they’ve made it. And, for some people it’s six figures, for some people it’s $50,000.00, for some people it’s a million, for some people it’s four million a year. So they made it, got made in the shade, drinking lemonade.
Well, I’ll tell you one trap of complacency is when you are the biggest fish in your pond. Or, when your intimate pond is filled with people either social and economically below you or at the same level.
We’ve worked with a lot of different earners, and there’s catches at every income bracket. If you want to get to the bigger levels that you are currently at, then you have to start celebrating your progress not noticing that you’re at the same level.
A lot of people, they’ll say, “Aw man, I’m stuck at this.” The more you say what you are, the more you are what you say you are. I love what George Zalucki says, he says, “The thinker thinks. The prover proves.”
[clickToTweet tweet=”The thinker thinks. The prover proves. – George Zalucki” quote=”The thinker thinks. The prover proves. – George Zalucki”]
If you’re thinking, “I’m stuck at this,” then you have to prove it. You have to prove that to be a reality. You have to start celebrating your progress not where you think you’re stuck.
3 Ways To Combat Complacency
1. Start Celebrating Your Progress
Start saying, “Hey, you know what? I got my first lead. I had my first person reach out to me. It’s awesome.” Vs, “I’ve been doing these darn videos and only one person’s ever reached out to me.”
Notice the difference in energy.
2. Hang Around People That Make A Lot More Money Than You
For some of you, it might be being a part of a mastermind, it might be getting a coach, or whatever else.
Being around people that either make or have made, a lot more than you.
Getting around people that have done way more things than you, that have made way more impact, way more money, is a very big deal. The worst thing you can do is tell yourself that you’re not ready to be around a group of individuals that are succeeding at a higher level.
If you wait to hang out with six figure earners until you’re one, you waited way too long, man. You waited way too long.
That’s what’s amazing about this industry is you go to your company events. You’re rubbing elbows and shoulders with people that have very large organizations pretty much all the time. It’s really awesome.
3. Have A Vision Of Who You Want To Become
This is the big one that is worthy of you working on. Who do you want to be? What do you want to represent? When people talk about you, what do they say?
Do they talk about your kindness, and your charitable nature? Do they talk about how you always show up big and how you inspire them?
Who do you want to be? How do you want to be known? You working on that vision.
Vision also is what will keep you consistent. Let me just tell you something, it might be tough to swallow: If you struggle with consistency, you don’t have a compelling vision.
[clickToTweet tweet=”If you struggle with consistency, you don’t have a compelling vision.” quote=”If you struggle with consistency, you don’t have a compelling vision.”]
Now, do not confuse vision with what the industry and profession calls your “why” because I know “why” is very popular. I know that everyone talks about the “why”.
Well, the problem with the “why” is most people have had the same “why” for five years, nine years. “I want to retire my spouse.” But, they’ve been saying that for nine years. Is it that compelling? Is it that powerful? NO.
Instead, you come up with a vision. A tough obstacle will come charging at you and then kind of stop in its tracks because it feels your energy and it will just melt away. It will melt away like butter. Come up with a vision of who do you want to become.
My vision is a ruthless dictator.
As you enter this new year, start thinking about how do you want to show up next year. Who do you want to become? What is the 2019 version of you? Recognize that 2019 version doesn’t have to have anything to do with 2018. If you played small in 2018, 2019 doesn’t care.
Tomorrow doesn’t care about yesterday. Neither should you.
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Let me know what you think in the comments below. And, feel free to share this with your teammates.
More Resources For You:
How I’d Start Over And Build A New Team
Why People Will Join You If You Are Brand New
29 Sources of Leads so you never run out of people to talk to again.
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