This post shares 3 Network Marketing Tips for GUARANTEED Success. Yes, bold claim, but it is true!
If you truly want the recipe for success, read this post and feel free to share!
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How to Do Network Marketing – Actually Pretty Simple
Before I get to my 3 Network Marketing Tips for Guaranteed Success, let me share with you the whole “how to do network marketing” and show you that it really isn’t that complex.
In Network Marketing you have to get eyeballs on your presentation, whatever that looks like. It could be a DVD, online video, home meeting, sizzle call, etc. You simply have to ask people to check out the tool to see if it is something that have openness to. Every other aspect of network marketing training is really to keep you doing just that and trainers understand all the mental garbage that goes along with rejection and having people tell you no. I think everyone should experience a super high rejection job prior to coming into network marketing to prepare them. Let me explain…
When I was 18 I was a telemarketer for a long distance company. We made 450 calls per day, five times per week. A GREAT week was 30 sales so let’s calculate that out.
450 x 5 – 2,250 – Total calls made per week
2,250 / 30 = .013 conversion rate
IF you are getting a 1% closing ratio in network marketing, meaning you show 100 people and at least one person signs up, then you are 769% better than I was lol.
Feeling any better?
OK, let’s get to my 3 Network Marketing Tips for Guaranteed Success
My 3 Network Marketing Tips for Guaranteed Success
1. Have a good attitude. The other day I did this post How to Build a Network Marketing Team and in it I share that one of the most important things is they energy you carry around with you. When is the last time you saw a top earner cross your company stage and they had a bad attitude? That would be never but here’s the trick…
People that aren’t successful think that when they BECOME a top earner they will have a good attitude and will finally be happy but that isn’t how it works. When you have a crappy negative attitude, you NEVER cross the finish line. I also talked about this in my recent podcast Top 3 Qualities I look for.
A good attitude will overcome. A good attitude will succeed DESPITE. It isn’t that people who have no circumstances or an obstacle free life, it is simply that they CHOOSE to remain positive in the belief that life will improve. One component of having a good attitude is to be coachable. Those who stop believing they know it all have the opening for NEW learning and NEW results in their life.
2. Show More People. Having a bad day? Show more people. Tires flat? Show more people. Not feeling good about your current results? Show more people. Spouse doesn’t believe in you? Show more people. SMP, SMP, SMP, SMP will pull you out of ANY funk, help you with ANY circumstance and is the ONLY way to actually change your results. Keep in mind it is your habits that created your results so change those habits and…SHOW MORE PEOPLE!
3. Never quit. This is one of my Network Marketing Tips for Guaranteed Success that NEEDS to be understood and embraced. I fully believe that when it comes to how to do network marketing, there is no failing, there is either succeeding or quitting. But, a few things will happen to test you and see if you truly have what it takes…
Here are a few things you will more than likely experience that will attempt to knock you out of the game:
– Your upline may quit or jump to a new company
– Your upline may make some bonehead comment publicly about you that you take personally
– You will more than likely NEVER feel like showing more people.
– You will compare yourself to others and draw the conclusion that maybe you just cannot do it
– You will question your sanity
– You will constantly evaluate how much time you have put in with how much you have made and it will most likely be laughable (what you are missing is you may be right around the corner from the tipping point where you land that big leader that you get paid on for the rest of your life)
Yep, it will NOT be easy. However, and I truly mean this, IF you embrace these 3 Network Marketing Tips for Guaranteed Success and truly honor them, you WILL get there. I don’t know if it will take you one year, three years, five years but heck, what if it takes you 20 years, what is the alternative? Are you creating freedom with your other sources of income or are you trading dollars for hours? And remember, quitting never speeds the accomplishment of ANY goal.
Hope this helps you, my wife and I believe in you. Feel free to share these Network Marketing Tips for Guaranteed Success with anyone in your team or community and would love to see your comments below if you got value from this.