Vote for Me, Ray Higdon as a No Excuses Summit Speaker
Right now I am in the lead for votes as a No Excuses Summit Speaker but the media and some of my fellow contestants does not want us to win and instead wants to stray away from the issues plaguing our industry. In this post we get down to brass tacks and talk candidly about why network marketers should vote for me.
Political Slam Campaigns Everywhere
Just this week political strategist and CEO of Magnetic Sponsoring, Tim Erway, chose to ignore the needs of network marketers and instead focus his energy on running a smear campaign on his blog attacking me and some of the other contestants. You can see what I mean on this webpage (I only pray you do not get too angry at his vicious attacks) Tim’s Smear Blog. So what is my response to his claims about me being an alien reptilian hybrid that eats people? My response is if I have to get up every morning and strap on my radiation protective space suit to serve the people in our industry, so be it. And, for the record, I have never eaten someone that didn’t have it coming.
Sweet on the Outside, Dark and Violent on the Inside
Enter Pamela Herrmann. Yes, she looks innocent enough on social media but there is a dark side to her. I hesitated even showing you all this but if I am committed to helping as many network marketers as I can, it would not be right for me not to share the private conversation she sent me yesterday on Facebook, see for yourself..
It just goes to show you that some have all the WRONG reasons to be speakers at the No Excuses Summit!
15 Reasons to Vote For Me as Speaker at the No Excuses Summit
If you vote for me and I become one of the speakers..
1. I will hold a silent auction for the facial hair clippings of Mark Hoverson.
2. I will force David Wood to wear a three piece suit with proper shoes.
3. I will make Todd Falcone wear a sub $500 shirt so we don’t feel inferior around him.
4. I will kindly ask Mike Dillard to allow us into his Armageddon bunker when the time is appropriate.
5. I will force Michelle Pescopitaliansolido to shorten her name so we can all say it.
6. I will continue to deny the secret romance between Ray and Ferny.
7. I will pay for plastic surgery for Adam Holland so we no longer confuse him with Toby Maguire.
8. I will encourage Jay Kubassek to add an “OXO” to his “X” tattoo so it becomes a much friendlier looking “XOXO”
9. I will keep Diane Hochman exactly as she is (because she is perfect)
10. I will have Didi Alcheva read the entire villain script from a James Bond movie (voters get to choose which movie)
11. I will buy the entire audience earmuffs so we don’t get hypnotized by Ryan Angelo ever again.
12. For the ladies I will get Tracey Walker to buy them all Tracy Walker handbags and for the guys, of course, Tracey Walker wallets (they really are a great buy!)
13. And Lastly, I will ask Pamela Herrmann to teach us all how to have million dollar hair.
14. I will have Rob Fore perform cool magic tricks for us all again.
15. I will bring back the guy that had the train whistle at NES 2.
Those that Vote For Me Gain Immediate Results and Profits
Yes, it is true. Through Mayan sorcery learned from my recent trip to Mexico, I have placed Mayan blessings upon all who have decided to vote for me (this blessing also protects you from December 21st, 2012, which, is good because there is only so much room in Dillards underground bunker). But, don’t take my word for it, here are just a few examples:
“To be honest I was a little freaked out. Within 60 seconds of clicking the like button on your page (right here), I had three people join my team and I hit the next level in my company, Ray, thanks so much!” – Ryan, Deerfield Beach, Florida
“I had heard the Mayans were good at space stuff and calendars but had no idea that you could use their knowledge to bless MLM speaker contests, when I clicked the “+1” on your page (go here now to do the same) I had a guy in my team bring 20 new people in that very minute, freaking amazing!” – Joseph, Anchorage, Alaska
“I watched in awe as our son kicked the winning goal at nationals within 45 seconds of liking your page on the No Excuses 3 speaker page (seriously, it’s right here), Thanks Ray!” – Sonia, San Diego, California
In All Seriousness..
I am humbled and honored to be in the lead and I really wanna bring some serious value to everyone at this wonderful event, vote for the people you like and the people that bring you value. I am also humbled to share that 12 of the potential speakers are in my team. Even if you are not going to be able to attend, vote for the speakers you love and let’s show those who provide value that we appreciate them, hope you enjoyed my attempt at humor on this blog post!
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Ray Higdon
Skype: ray.higdon
Email: [email protected]
Work With Me – Numis Network
Image: digitalart /
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