network marketers

Here’s one of the Rank Makers Trainings that many leaders in Rank Makers wanted to share with their team.

I get fired up and share my un-censored thoughts on “Flirting” with other Network Marketers.

Why You Shouldn’t “Flirt” with Other Network Marketers While Prospecting

A lot of times I’m being asked, “Hey Ray, how do I approach existing networking marketers? How do I approach people in other network marketing companies?”

I’m really am not a fan of that.

And I’ll tell you, I wasn’t trained that. No one trained me not to do that.

Early on in my career, I never tried to poo-poo a company to get them to join mine.

And so, my suggestion to you is it’s fine to make friends with people in other networking companies, but for you to target people in another network market company is you flirting with a married person.

[mashtweet tweet=”For you to target people in another network market company is you flirting with a married person.” quote=”For you to target people in another network market company is you flirting with a married person.”]

That’s you seeing a married couple at the bar and you’re waiting for the girl to go away and you swooping in and approaching. That’s how shady I see that activity. I hate it.

I hate the targeting of other companies, I absolutely despise it. And I would just suggest to you, know that there are way more people not in network marketing than are in network marketing.

What Happens When You Steal Other Network Marketers

And by the way, let’s say that you steal that married person.

Yes, I’m saying that on purpose. I know, I know that you may be like, “Ew, I don’t like that feeling.”

Alright, let’s say you steal that married person, so you break up that home. But you steal that married person, you break up that home, they have a battle over the kids and there’s all kinds of woe and misery. And so, you break up that home, you steal the spouse, the man, the woman, whatever.

I want to just ask you this question: Do you think it’s possible that someone else might steal them from you?

You think karma might rear its head, and then you’re like, “Dang it, someone wrecked my home. Dammit, that’s not cool, man.”

I just want to point that out, there are way more people not in network marketing than are in network marketing.

[mashtweet tweet=”There are way more people not in network marketing than are in network marketing.” quote=”There are way more people not in network marketing than are in network marketing.”]

If their so easily stolen from their loved one, then don’t you think it’s possible that they make get stolen from somebody else? Someone else with a better comp plan, someone else with a better, more cutting edge product? Don’t you think it’s likely that if that’s the way that they left their loved one, that it’s possible, at least, that they may leave you too?

And so, I’m just not a fan.

What’s Different?

Back when we were in a network marketing company, I used to get people from other companies that joined mine. But, let me tell you the difference here.

I provided training and I provided value to network marketers all over the world for a long time. Sometimes, that network marketer would become disenchanted with their upline, with their company, with their owner, with the comp plan, whatever. And sometimes, because I provided value, they would come to me and say, “Hey man, I’m looking for a different company.” Well, that’s different, that’s different.

I was NOT targeting them, “Hey, if you’re unhappy with your company, come to me.” I wasn’t targeting them, but sometimes because of the value I provided, people might come to me and say, “Hey, I’m leaving my company, I’m out of here. What is it that you do? I’ve always liked your training?” That’s different.

They’re on the way out of the relationship already. I didn’t lure them away, I didn’t pepper them with flyers, I didn’t slip them a note when their spouse was looking the other way. All I did was I provided value, they remembered it.

Don’t Ruin Your Reputation

Early on in my career, when people asked me to speak on their stages, I didn’t try to be a home wrecker.

I can tell you right now, if I had been trying to break up homes and trying to be a home wrecker, if I had done that, my reputation would have been shot.

And there’s so many opportunities that I’ve had over the last ten years that I wouldn’t have had.

Because people didn’t say, “Yeah, he’s a home wrecker. You know that, right? You know he targets other companies, right?”

Don’t Fall Into Shady Marketing

My suggestion to you is don’t fall into that shady marketing.

And so, I would just suggest to you, if you happen to talk to somebody and they’re in another network marketing company and you just didn’t know, and they say they’re happy, tell them, “Way to go, that’s awesome. Hey, congratulations, rock it out. I wish you the very best.” Maybe tell them about Rank Makers.

If you’re a Rank Maker, we are here to represent the profession a little differently. We’re not telling people that they’re an idiot because they have a job, we’re not bashing other network marketing companies. We’re all in the same mission, and the mission is to uplift the every day, ordinary person, help them with fulfillment, with joy, with freedom, with time freedom, money freedom.

So, let’s not have this in-fighting, let’s not have this shady luring of the married people over to your neck of the woods. It just doesn’t look good, it’s just kind of gross. There’s way more people not in network marketing than in, so let’s start acting like it. So, that’s just my take, that’s my opinion, and I’m sure there’s some people that don’t agree. They’re like, “Well, that’s how I built my team.” Well, probably how you’ll lose your team too. Just saying.

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More Resources For You:

How To Attract The Right People To Build Your Network Marketing Team

Why People Will Join You If You Are Brand New

29 Sources of Leads so you never run out of people to talk to again.

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