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Why Now is the Best
Time to Become a Millionaire


My goal with this video and post is to help you see that right now is the very best time to become a millionaire. Step into your greatness my friend!

Do You Already Have the Millionaire Mindset?

First off, when you see these words “Become a Millionaire”, how do you feel and what do you think?

Do you think any of the following?
a. Studying ways to become a millionaire is too excessive
b. There’s not enough to go around
c. There’s no way someone like me could become a millionaire
d. To become a millionaire you have to screw people over or do something dishonest

Basically, in a nutshell, if you think ANYTHING negative about those words, you do not have a hope of becoming one (until you change the programming in your head).

How NOT to Become a Millionaire

If you have negativity toward those that are rich or other people that learned how to become a millionaire, you WILL self-sabotage yourself from ever becoming one. Why? Because the mind protects itself and above all else wants you to look good and if you associate looking bad with being rich, well, you won’t know why but you WILL keep falling short of your income goals.

Don’t search for the negative reasons that someone got rich and instead be happy for them and know that it is also possible for you! Money is only a magnifier of who you are, if you are caring, giving and desire making an impact, you will be able to do so on a larger scale with more money.

Why NOW is the Very Best Time

Think about 100 years ago. There are two major things that has happened since to help us ALL learn how to become a millionaire.

1. Obviously we are a much more connected society. You didn’t have the Internet, skype, google+ hangouts, PDF’s, youtube or any other technology to learn from others or easily mastermind with people outside of your community.

2. There has been a major mindset shift. A few months ago my wife and I watched a series called “The Men Who Built America“. (by the way, a perfect Father’s Day gift) and it shared how Carnegie, Rockefeller, Morgan and more built America and became rich. It was a MUCH different mindset. They didn’t share their principles with the ordinary man or woman, they wanted the ordinary man or woman to work for them in factories. If you read Robert Kiyosaki’s book called “Conspiracy of the Rich: 8 New Rules for Money“, you will learn that these industrialist helped shape what is STILL taught in public schools in America all with the sole purpose of cranking out good workers.

Folks, this is good news. Those two major changes are why TODAY is the very best time to learn how to become a millionaire.

Video: Today and Becoming a Millionaire

*note: looks like the video is a little blurry today, still learning this thing lol

You can now get filthy rich by pursuing your passion my friend. My wife and I are so fired up to be helping people that are serious about wealth creation get to the next level in our profession!

Share this post if you agree with me that now is the very best time to become a millionaire! Leave a comment if YOU are going to be one of the new rich despite this economy or ANYTHING the media throws at you!

To Your Abundance!

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Ray Higdon

Skype: ray.higdon

Email: [email protected]

“I Show Network Marketers How to Recruit More Reps, Get More Leads and Become a Top Earner in Their Network Marketing Company.”

Image(s): FreeDigitalPhotos.net

PS: We are teaching people EXACTLY what we have done over the last few years to make millions. IF you are serious, grab your ticket to our Top Earner Academy!

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