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The Life Expectancy of a Top MLM Leader!

Ray Higdon Top MLM Leader

Speaking at Live the Dream 2

This week I finished my four part series on MLM Leadership and in the last session I covered this topic on the real longevity of being a top MLM leader. Read this blog and you will see why I believe this is the best industry and most sustainable income way to live your life.

Haven’t Some Network Marketing Companies Shut Down?

When I hear people talk about the network marketing industry that don’t “get it” they talk about how you have to “make hay while the sun shines” or “make it while it lasts” indicating that network marketing may not be a long term solution for income. I disagree. However, it also uncovers a particular strategy that the people that should be doing it aren’t and the people that are doing it, sometimes shouldn’t, and that is branding yourself as a leader.

Top MLM Leaders are Hot Commodities

You just would not know this unless someone in a leadership role shared it with you, an MLM leader is a hot commodity that is greatly pursued, perhaps now more than ever. I have been offered a $50,000 signing bonus, entire downlines, and 12 month contracts at a guaranteed $30,000 a month (I turned all those down by the way), but it shows that when you brand yourself as a leader AFTER you have performed and created impressive results, you will be hunted.

Let’s explore the alternatives to Network Marketing and their longevity

Sports Career – You get old, you get injured. This is truly a “Make hay while the sun shines” occupation

Sales – This is the “what have you done for me lately” occupation. Right now sales people are being screwed, at least in the United States. Here is the only profit creating division of a company (everything else is overhead as it is not directly involved in the sales of a product) and they are being income capped, losing territories, and have a monstrous amount of pressure on them to constantly perform. The salesman of the month could be out on the street next month.

Employee – The scaariest of the three in this economy. You have major competition nowadays, companies are shutting down every single day, and no matter how long you work for someone, you will never own your occupation as an asset. Robert Kiyosaki says “Why would someone work so hard for something they will never own?”

What if the Company Shuts down?

Well, here is the interesting part, no one ever plans for their company to be shut down and I believe your teammates understand that. If you have been a servant leader, did the right things, and something unexpected happens, your MLM team will want to follow you. So, in my opinion, network marketing has the greatest longevity plan of all occupations when you factor in the residual income that flows in whether you continue working the business or not.

Team of Top MLM LeadersWhere to go from here to become a Top MLM Leader

In one word, produce. Produce like your life depended on it (it does). Produce like your family depended on it (they do), produce like you don’t have all the time in the world to pursue your dreams (you don’t), produce.

Too many people are spending more time branding than they are producing. Too many people are writing more articles and blogs than they make in dollars per month. Your time management will dictate your velocity of success, once you produce, everything becomes easier. I would encourage you to incorporate a daily routine/regimen that includes a diet of prospecting, and picking up the phone more than just comfy content creation. Content creation is good, but by itself will take you a lifetime to actually create results. Produce and others will brand you the top MLM leader that you rightfully should be.

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Ray Higdon
Skype: ray.higdon
Email: [email protected]

Work With Me – Numis Network

Image: Ambro / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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