Top Ten Network Marketing Books
To Build Your Business
There are a lot of network marketing books out there but which ones would a top income earner suggest? Here is the reality, not all readers are leaders but all leaders ARE readers. This post will share the best MLM books for you and your business.
What are the best books on MLM?
There are certain qualities you want to develop if you are going to become a top MLM leader. The main qualities are:
– Having realistic expectations
– Leadership
– Communication
– Marketing
– Presenting
– Mindset
Here I will break down by category the network marketing books by topic that I suggest.
Perhaps the Best MLM Book Ever Created
The reason I really like this MLM book is it is sooo based on reality. It tells you the landmines of MLM, what happens when leaders leave or when your upline pitches you something else. This could ONLY have been written by someone who has been in the trenches. Mark Yarnell has earned over $30 million in this industry and I highly suggest his book Your First Year in Network Marketing.
Not just a book on MLM but great for mindset
My friend Noah St Johns book, The Secret Code of Success, was given to me from a good friend and I devoured it. This is one of the best books I have ever read on figuring out what is slowing you down.
Must Have Multi Level Marketing Book on Leadership
OK, so this, again, is NOT just for MLM but it really applies so perfectly to our industry, it is a must have. John Maxwells 21 Irrefutable Laws for Leadership is awesome. I just finished it for the second time and it gets better and better. IF you are to make the big money in this industry, you HAVE to embrace leadership and move past your current level of thinking and get to that next level.
Best MLM Books on Sales and Marketing
Because most network marketers are so poor at communicating, I do certainly suggest getting better at sales and marketing as it will help you write better emails, facebook statuses, etc. A few books on marketing I would suggest would be Dan Kennedy’s Ultimate Sales Letter, Moine’s Unlimited Selling Power, and Bauer’s How to persuade those who don’t want to be persuaded. All are pretty easy readings and will help you.
So You Wanna Become a Speaker?
Here is the problem you will run into if you read many books on speaking, you will realize that a lot of books on speaking are written by speakers wanting to get speaking gigs and they published a book just to say they are an author, it’s true. However, there are some great books on speaking from the stage. Two basic ones that everyone should read are both by Tony Jeary, How to Inspire any audience and Life is a series of presentations. An advanced book for selling from stage is Presenting Magically. Keep in mind, if your goals are just to make 10-15 thousand a month from home, you may never have to learn how to present, however, if you wanna make the big money, you better work on your presenting skills.
The Final Network Marketing Book Suggestion
One book I have to include in this list is Brendon Burchards The Charge. Each chapter is so jam packed with MEAT it is ridiculous. I would suggest reading this book in a weird way. Read it once without taking any notes or trying to process every little suggestion he has and THEN go back and re-read it and do notes or whatever you do with normal books. This book is definitely a game changer.
What Network Marketing books did I leave out? Which ones do you like of my ten suggestions? Comment below, remind me of a great book I forget to include!
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