If you are wondering if you should hire a coach or two, this will help.
In this post I share when hiring a coaching is a good idea and the exact reasons leaders hire coaches.
The Reason Why Leaders Hire Coaches
I don’t remember the last time I didn’t have multiple coaches. However, that comes with a warning.
I hire coaches for specific purposes. I would not have two life coaches. Two coaches telling me how to live my life or something like that.
Right now I have three coaches. I have one coach that is a scaling, business process system expert. So they know very little about network marketing in any way, shape or form, but they know business. What metrics we should be tracking what the return on investment per position, and some stuff that I wouldn’t even think about. I have another person who is just a juggernaut in the industry, and someone that I work with and get feedback from and bounce ideas off off and things like that.
So totally fine to have multiple coaches. There probably will never be a time in my life where I don’t have multiple coaches. But, I am very elastic. I’m able to bend and shape to the advice and information that I take in.
Not everyone is that way. Some people they can’t take information in and adapt it to what makes sense for their situation. And quite frankly, some people shouldn’t. Some people should just follow the letter to the law.
What Not To Do
Where you get into trouble is when you have a whole bunch of FREE coaches. That’s where it gets sticky and difficult.
So I don’t consume a ton of free information.
The reason is, I know there’s always more to the information than you consume that’s free.
Not that they mean to and not that there’s malice there or anything like that.
But in almost every case, there might be a little nuance, a little switch, that if only you were able to sit down with some coach somewhere, you would get that answer that may not be in the free content. Not that it was hidden on purpose, but just that you can’t cover every single scenario in every piece of free content.
And so this is why we came up with this phrase a few years ago, sometimes free is your most expensive option.
[clickToTweet tweet=”Sometimes free is your most expensive option.” quote=”Sometimes free is your most expensive option.”]
For more on how to get the most out of coaching, check out the video below.
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More Resources For You:
Wish you could start your New Rep off right? Check out our Home Business Fast Start CD!
29 Sources of Leads so you never run out of people to talk to again.
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PS: If you haven’t recruited anyone, or fewer than 10 people, This Course will Help (and is on Sale)
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