In order to close prospects in network marketing, it’s crucial to look both at your prospecting tactics, and at your marketing.
Today I’m diving into both to coach you through ways to close prospects more often.
The Strongest Way To Close Prospects
If I’m trying to recruit someone, there’s a couple things to consider such as your prospecting tactics and the marketing behind it.
Down below I’m going to cover what prospecting is and how to best communicate with people to have them do what you want in terms of your business, OR how you could market your knowledge better to get people to reach out to you.
So when it comes to prospecting, it really comes down to whether someone is open to taking a look at your offer. Sometimes they’re interested and sometimes not.
If they’re not, take is as no big deal and ask them, “do you know of anyone else who may be looking to make some extra money.” And that will open other doors for you.
But if it’s yes, then you should want to duplicatable the resource. Some examples of resources are:
- videos
- a presentation to attend
- a webinar
- a brochure
But prospecting really is as simple as that. Are you open to viewing my resource? And if not, no big deal.
Now where would marketing fit into this?
So marketing is when you put out some kind of value, maybe it’s a Facebook Live, a webinar, a video – whatever you’re willing to do, but it should have a call to action for people after they’re done.
So let’s say that I’m in weight loss and I do a piece of value on the ‘Six Foods to Avoid If You Want to Reduce your Midsection’, for example, my call to action might be, “Hey, if you want a seven day meal plan that’ll really help you lose some weight, feel free to reach out to me.”
Then people would be inclined to contact me. If they then do reach out, I say, “Tell me about your weight loss journey.” And they say, “I’ve tried this, this, and this.”
I say, “Okay, well I may have a solution that could really help you out. Would you be open and take a look at it? And if not, no big deal.”
If they say no, respond back with, “Okay, cool. Do you know anyone that does want to lose some weight?” to open up more doors for yourself.
Or if they say, “Yes, I am open,” you can respond back with”Okay, cool. Well, I’ve got this video. It does a better job than I could do of explaining it. Would you like me to send it over to you?”
See what I mean? That was just an example, but putting out something valuable and marketing yourself as valuable, BEFORE someone reaches out to you is another strong way to close prospects.
Need help closing your leads?
If you are not sure what to say, when to say it, and how to say it when you need to turn a prospect into a brand new sign up… My Closing Blueprint might be exactly what you need.
Click Here To Get The “If This Then That” Closing Blueprint
More Resources For You:
How To Attract The Right People To Build Your Network Marketing Team
Why People Will Join You If You Are Brand New
29 Sources of Leads so you never run out of people to talk to again.
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