social media recruiting tips

Want to get more results from social media?

Here’s my best social media recruiting tips for attracting prospects to YOU!

Social Media Recruiting Tips For Attracting Prospects To You

Freakishly Effective Social Media for Network Marketingnetwork marketing book

If you don’t have it, may want to grab our book off of Amazon; Freakishly Effective Social Media for Network Marketing.

This is loaded with tips, scripts, headlines, copy, what to say to people, and when to say it.

2 Pillars Of Building

To build any network marketing business, there are two pillars of building any business. That’s prospecting and marketing.

[mashtweet tweet=”To build any network marketing business, there are two pillars of building any business. That’s prospecting and marketing.” quote=”To build any network marketing business, there are two pillars of building any business. That’s prospecting and marketing.”]

1. Prospecting

Prospecting is reaching out to individuals and is more of a one on one kind of things.

It’s private message, a text message, a Facebook message.

Prospecting is where you reach out to an individual. It can be offline or online, it could be cold market, warm market.

It could be someone that’s on Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, ect. That’s where you reach out to them, see if they’re open to your product, service or your opportunity. And it’s something that could be face-to-face.

In the realm of social media, prospecting becomes you reaching out to individuals that are either connected with you or you want to connect with them and see if they’re open to your product, service or opportunity. You start to create conversations.

That’s one aspect of social media.

2. Marketing

The second pillar is marketing.

Marketing is where you do something you hope an unnamed individual reacts or responds to.

Marketing could be a broadcast, a podcast, a status update, a Facebook live. It could be a billboard, could be a flyer in the laundromat.

All of that stuff is marketing where you hope an unnamed individual reacts or responds to.

They raise their hand, they click a link, they email you, they respond, whatever.

First of all, understand the two differences.

Some of your more powerful ways to use social media to grow your network marketing business is prospecting. Reaching out to individuals whether you know them or not. Just see if they’re open to having a conversation with you, see if they’re open to a product, service or opportunity.

Another one is for you to do Facebook lives and share education.

Who are you trying to attract?

  • If you’re in a weight loss company, maybe it’s the four foods to avoid if you’re trying to reduce your midsection. Maybe it’s the six-day meal plan, you share that on a Facebook live.
  • If you do jewelry, maybe it’s how to look more fashionable on a budget.
  • If you’re doing wine, maybe it’s how to run the perfect dinner party and talk about pairing of wines.

There’s lots of different education that can go around your product, service or opportunity and it doesn’t have to be so direct.

What It Is VS What It Does

The network marketers who don’t do that great on social media are the ones that only talk about what it is.

Let me give an example.

The Cross Pen.

What It Is: a writing utensil.

You should buy it.

See, that’s what it is but what does it do?

What Does It Do: Well, when you hold a high quality pen, you instantly feel more powerful. You feel like you are worthy of doing bigger things inside of your life.

And so, that’s the thing of what it does. How many of you have held a pen and you’re like, “Whoo, that kind of feels nice.”

Ask yourself, what is it that your product or service or opportunity can allow people to do that you can associate education around?

[mashtweet tweet=”Ask yourself, what is it that your product or service or opportunity can allow people to do that you can associate education around?” quote=”Ask yourself, what is it that your product or service or opportunity can allow people to do that you can associate education around?”]

Maybe your product helps people have more energy.


The amateur would say, “Hey, I got this energy drink and it’s got arginine in it. It’s got yohimbine in it and you should totally buy it. It’s great. Right now, it’s buy one get one.”

That’s what an amateur would do is just sell what it is.

What it does is much more powerful.

If I’m selling an energy drink, maybe I do a Facebook live on three tips to be a better grandparent. Doesn’t that sound crazy that they’re related in any way, shape or form? Bare with me.

Three ways to be a better grandparent.

  1. Go and teach your grandparents the things you wish you would have taught your kids or wish that you would have been taught.
  2. Get them books, read to them. Read to them.
  3. Improve your energy. If you’re getting later in your years and you go over to see your grandkids and you’re just too tired to chase them around the pool or too tired to chase them around the couch, then you’re not showing up as powerfully as you could. You only got so much time here so let’s show up powerfully and for you to show up with the most energy possible, you need the right nutrition.

Now, if you have no idea on nutrition, feel free to reach out to me, I’d be more than happy to share.

See what I mean?

That’s something that I took something totally different from, “Energy drink, here’s what it is, you should totally buy this.” I took it from that to, what is the benefit.

Study Marketing

You have to start thinking like an actual marketer. I’m not a private investigator but I believe 50% of the profession called network marketing, 50% of the actual name is marketing. Yet, no one studies marketing.

Most people, they’re still staying, what it is versus what it does. They’re selling the thing versus selling the thing that sells the thing such as pointing people to a video.

Learn marketing. It’s 50% of your profession’s name.

There’s some tips for you. Hopefully that helps you out. If you want more, you may want to consider grabbing our book on Amazon: Freakishly Affective Social Media for Network Marketing.

Did you find that helpful?

Let me know what you think in the comments below. And, feel free to share this with your teammates.

More Resources For You:

How To Attract The Right People To Build Your Network Marketing Team

Why People Will Join You If You Are Brand New

29 Sources of Leads so you never run out of people to talk to again.

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