Want more results with social media recruiting but people aren’t even responding to your messages?
Today is a quick TWO minute video to share the biggest reason why and what to do about it.
{Network Marketing Event} The Prospecting and Recruiting Summit
Our biggest event of the year is September 16-18th and we are calling it the Prospecting and Recruiting Summit. This event will share with you how to better prospect and recruit more people into your network marketing team using social media as well as all other forms of prospecting and recruiting.
We have not announced the full details of the speakers just yet but they already include recruiting machines such as Brian Carruthers, Cedrick Harris, Amani Zein, Jessica Higdon, John Melton, Diane Hochman and more. It is being held at the Sanibel Harbor Resort in Ft Myers, Florida. We start at 9am on Friday and end at 4pm on Sunday. Hope to see you there! To grab your tickets, CLICK HERE
Social Media Recruiting and How to NOT Get Results…
If you want to totally strike out with your social media recruiting efforts then just do things in a way that makes everyone feel like you are communicating with them exactly how you do large masses of others.
It doesn’t work.
AND, if a high percentage of the people you are messaging on Facebook aren’t even responding to you, I am willing to bet you are making the mistake that my wife talks about in the below video.
You aren’t going to get any results with social media recruiting if you cannot get the conversation started and get a response from your prospect, the below video will help you and it just may help your team as well so feel free to share, it is less than two minutes long but such great advice when it comes to social media.
Was that helpful? So much value in a 2 minute video. IF this was helpful feel free to share and thank her below in the comments and stay tuned as this week we are gonna turn the spotlight on social media recruiting and how to crush it, make sure you are on my email list so you get all the updates – Click Here to Join my Email list and Stay in the Loop!
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Ray Higdon’s Network Marketing Blog
Skype: ray.higdon
Email: [email protected]
“I Teach You the Marketing, Mindset and Sales Strategies to Make More Money and Follow Your Passion!”
PS: Tired of Chasing Friends and Family? This $7 Training can help you get an extra 2-3 recruits in the next 14 days even if you are Brand New – Click Here to Grab your Copy
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