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Simple Phrase for Better
Network Marketing Recruiting
Want to get better at network marketing recruiting? This extremely anti-hype phrase and word will help you recruit more reps!
Watch this short video, from Orlando, and start building your dream team!
Should You Use MLM Scripts?
Sort of. If you are wanting the killer MLM script that is going to boost your network marketing recruiting, there is a chance that you are looking for something that will prevent you from actually connecting with your prospects and if that is the case, I don’t like the idea.
I like chunkable scripts, phrases and questions that can be used over and over. The problem is a lot of people want network marketing recruiting scripts to do their thinking and connecting for them. Always remember to BE a human, humans want to work with other humans not just someone who memorized a script.
Main Reasons People don’t Join
I know what you are hearing and what you hear vs the real reason people don’t join you are different. They tell you it’s money which is almost NEVER the case. It’s because they don’t think they can do it, they don’t understand leverage or residual income or your pitch contains something in it that goes against their belief systems. I talk about a major belief system in the below video and when you understand it, you will get better results with your network marketing recruiting efforts.
Video: Do This to Get Better at Network Marketing Recruiting
Did that video make sense? Hope it helps you to build your team faster and also understand what holds some of your prospects back. Remember, the secret word I shared is attractive to EVERY single person you talk to, don’t over-hype or over-whelm them, use what we talked about in the video and you will be right as rain.
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To Your Abundance!
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Ray Higdon’s MLM Blog
Skype: ray.higdon
Email: [email protected]
“I Show Network Marketers How to Recruit More Reps, Get More Leads and Become a Top Earner in Their Network Marketing Company.”
Image(s): FreeDigitalPhotos.net
PS: One of my Favorite Authors has a New Book out! Check it out here (has some training bonuses too)
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