Are you recruiting through social media?
Here I’m sharing exactly how to continuously post engaging content that will attract the right people.
What to Post on Social Media for Recruiting the Right People
What is the best way you continue to come up with new awesome social media posts? Well, in order to continue coming up with awesome social media posts, you need to immerse yourself in who you are trying to attract first.
This is a concept we actually teach in our 14 Day Challenge. Immersion is your answer.
So what is it?
Let’s say that you’re in the skincare business, and you make a social media post on how to get rid of red blotches on your skin. Then let’s say you do another post on what foods help you avoid skin problems. Then you do another one on what household products lead to skin issues.
And let’s say one of your posts gets many, many more views than the others. What do you do?
Well instead of just continuing, like most people do, to just randomly create posts and hope for the best, you should dive deep on this and focus on that topic.
For example, if people are mainly interested in what foods help avoid skin problems, you may want to do another post on which fruits are best for your skin. Because people showed more interest in the food for skin post than any of the other ones.
I would also look at the comments. Look at all the comments on the most engaged with post and see what people are saying.
Most of my content actually comes from comments I receive. I see a comment, I make a video about why that’s right, why that’s wrong, why you want avoid that, etc. and I dive deep into it. You can drive the subject based on the comments you are getting.
[mashtweet tweet=”I see a comment, I make a video about why that’s right, why that’s wrong, why you want avoid that, etc. and I dive deep into it.” text=”” username=”rayhigdon”]
So to sum it up, immersion is the name of the game for posting on social media to recruit the right team.
I’ve done one to two videos a day for 9 and a half years and it’s because I’m immersed. I know what my target market struggles with and I dive deep into those topics.
So you should do the same. Pay attention to which posts get the most engagement and what your comments are, then dive deeper into those topics with your audience.
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More Resources For You:
How To Attract The Right People To Build Your Network Marketing Team
Why People Will Join You If You Are Brand New
29 Sources of Leads so you never run out of people to talk to again.
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