“Here’s A Simple Plan To Build A Serious Team In Network Marketing Without Nagging, Endless Hand Holding, Or Constant Disappointment…”
➜ Where can I find good leaders who will duplicate and do the work?
➜ Why are people so excited at first, then they just drop off the planet?
➜ How can I motivate my team to work as hard as I do?
Well, let me tell you – I’ve been both successful and unsuccessful in network marketing. I’ve experienced what good leadership is, and what bad leadership is. I’ve had teams that have duplicated faster than I can keep up, and teams that fizzled out in a week. I’ve learned a little about what works and what doesn’t work…and I’d like to invite you to listen as I give you Straight Talk on Building A Serious Team.- My personal experience on how to build a serious team in network marketing. (This is what I teach all my top leaders and now I’d like to share it with you!)
- The “real world” advice I learned by interviewing and masterminding with huge team builders like Randy Gage, Jordan Adler and Eric Worre.
- A BIG mistake most networkers make when they start to feel stuck in their quest for building a team and why it’s a huge waste of time.
- Why 80% of your teambuilding efforts will come down to one thing…
- A key concept about setting proper expectations right from the start both with yourself and with new people on your team.
- How most leaders make the mistake of “climbing into their lifeguard chair” and directing their team…and a step-by-step plan for what you should be doing instead.
- Should you be a recruiter or a trainer? Knowing the difference will make ALL the difference in how fast your team grows and their level of success.
- The BIG trap many leaders fall into once they start seeing some success (I’m personally guilty of falling into this trap & had to stop doing this several years ago or I would have kept spinning my wheels and failing…)
- Small ways your ego can get in the way and prevent you from reaching your goals.
- Don’t get into “management mode”…do these activities instead! (Some interesting tips you probably have never heard about before, but will be super helpful)
- My personal step-by-step plan for starting a new team member right – you should copy this and put it into action immediately!
- Why most training actually FAILS at helping that new team member and how to fix it quickly.
- The concept of “adherence” – and why you must apply this to every interaction you have with your team.
- What to do if you don’t agree with the corporate training from your company.
- Sage advice from the “big dogs” in network marketing on how to create a culture on your team
- Why some of the most talented people fail in network marketing – how to overcome this huge sticking point so more people on your team succeed.
- How to “vaccinate” yourself against team members who repeatedly let you down.

Straight Talk On Building A Serious Team
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