Perhaps you could have used this network marketing training earlier but better late than never. You are NOT going to please everyone.
The sooner you realize that not everyone is going to agree with your decision to be in network marketing, the better you will be.
THE Biggest Need in Home Based Business Training
What everyone wants is prospecting, recruiting, closing tips and tricks. What everyone needs is mindset training.
One of the keys that needs to be included in ALL network marketing training is the fact that you aren’t going to please everyone and to dive even deeper, the more successful you become, the more haters and dream stealers will show up in your life.
Let me shed some light on the categories of people you are going to witness in your entrepreneur journey:
1. The doubters and dream stealers. When you start your journey they are the ones that tell you that you are stupid, that you will never make it and “those things don’t work”.
2. The Haters. The haters will come in all shapes and sizes. Some will simply cast doubt on your success and others will do anything in their power to “bring you down to size”.
The bottom line here, and what we hope to accomplish with this post, is that you embrace the fact that you aren’t going to please everyone. You never will. The more you try to convince everyone that you are just trying to help others and you are really a good person, the more frustrated you will get and the more the doubters and haters win.
Don’t be so willing to give up your energy to just anyone. Yesterday I posted this on Facebook…
There is no success peak that you can reach where you don’t have haters or people that believe you shouldn’t be where…
Posted by Ray Higdon on Wednesday, September 9, 2015
Network Marketing Training on Acceptance and Pleasing Everyone
Was that helpful? Have you been investing way too much time caring what everyone thinks? Focus on where you want to go NOT where you are being energetically brought down. Don’t require the acceptance and approval of others if you are serious about success.
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