Network Marketing Tip

Are you waiting for something to change? For something to happen, then you will finally be able to crush it in your business?

Well, here’s on of the best network marketing tips I can give you. Here I share how I made it in network marketing BEFORE I was ready and how you can too.

Why You Shouldn’t Wait Till You’re Ready

I wasn’t ready for anything.

There’s literally nothing I’ve ever done that I was fully prepared for.

My Experience In Real Estate

I remember, a buddy and I started doing real estate. And we bought this fixer-upper. We had no idea what to do.

We were like, “What do we do?”

The floors destroyed, the lighting’s not working. Electricity is crazy.

We don’t have any idea what to do, but we bought it. And on that particular project, we ended up figuring out and actually made a profit on it. It was amazing.

But there’s really nothing in my life where I was ready.

Mastermind Program

I remember in 2013, when we first offered mastermind programs, I had hired someone to kind of help me with, “Okay, how do you do this? How do you offer it? How do you structure it, and how you do all this stuff?”

And so they showed us how to do it and, “Okay, cool.” And then so a whole bunch of people bought it.

And then I was, “What do I do now? Okay, what do I do with them? They purchase things.”

And she was, “Well, I usually teach that in the renewal program.”

I’m, “Oh, got it,” right. She got me.

It was a good lesson.

The Most Successful People Move Forward

I’ll tell you that the best people that do the most stuff aren’t ready. They’re not ready.

They just simply move forward.

They move forward, and they figure things out. That’s what happens.

The person that is like, “I got to get my branding right. I got to get the slogan. I’m using beige, but I should probably go a little bit tan or brown.” They never do anything.

Because there will always be a next minor thing like that.

There’ll always be another thing for you to overthink.


I remember I was at an event and I’m sitting in the audience. I had been blogging for a year pretty consistently. I wasn’t a speaker or anything. I was just there to learn and meet some people.

An internet marketer guy gets up on stage and he says, “Guys, you guys really should be blogging and it doesn’t have to be perfect. Just look at Ray’s blog.

I’m thinking, “What’s he mean by that?”

And unfortunately, he responds like he heard me and he says, “It’s one of the ugliest sites on the web.”

I had no idea.

It only took us a couple years to make it not so ugly. But the point is, I didn’t know what I was doing.

Those first videos had bad lighting, bad sound. I mean I was outside, sun directly behind me, and it was windy.

I was like a weatherman, “Hey there we’re having a party here in the hurricane.”

You can’t see anything. And, of course, I didn’t have a microphone. I’m just kind of making that motion, but you couldn’t hear it, you couldn’t see who it was. It was terrible.

But I was doing it.

I was doing it and kept getting better and better.

All We Have Is Now

You have right now so you won’t be ready. That’s where the growth is.

It’s not, “I’m going to wait until I’m six figures. I’m going to wait till I’m this. I’m going to wait until I’m that.” You won’t be ready.

If we know that we’ll never be ready, then all we have is right now.

[mashtweet tweet=”If we know that we’ll never be ready, then all we have is right now.” quote=”If we know that we’ll never be ready, then all we have is right now.”]

So, make the decision. When you’re faced with that decision, you make it, you go after it, you grab it, you hang onto it.

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Let me know what you think in the comments below. And, feel free to share this with your teammates.

More Resources For You:

How To Attract The Right People To Build Your Network Marketing Team

Why People Will Join You If You Are Brand New

29 Sources of Leads so you never run out of people to talk to again.

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