network marketing team

When leading a network marketing team, often times people will deal with haters.

But approaching it correctly is a great way to avoid backlash down the road.

How To Best Prepare Your Network Marketing Team To Deal With Critics

Learning how to best address haters as a marketer and/or as a leader is super important in preparing your team to do the same.

Newbies are getting scared off by certain marketers before they even get started.

And one strategy that you can use to help that is either in your fast start or if you’re just talking to a new recruit, ask them this question.

Say, “Hey, I’m just curious. You know, as we start this journey and you tell me you want to build a business, are you easily influenced by the opinions of others?”

Now the truth is, most people are. Most people are. But when confronted with that question, I have never had them say, “Yeah, you know, I’m just a big wuss. I’m just a big wimp.”

They will always say, “No, not at all.”

And then I would recommend you saying something like, “Oh great, awesome. Well, the reason that I asked that is, not everyone agrees with network marketing. And as you start this journey, you may run into people that don’t like it or have tried it and failed at it and they will probably freely give you their opinion. So it’s really good that you’re not affected by the opinions of others.”

And you can even go into telling them that negativity comes with success because people will be jealous and start to hate.

That’s just what happens. Now, it doesn’t mean everyone’s negative, but there are people that are going to be negative about anything that’s successful.

So if you see negativity out there, that’s actually us doing a great job. It means we’re growing. It means we’re succeeding. It means we’re on the radar of haters. If there’s no hatred out there, if there’s no negativity, then you’re just okay.

So critics aren’t always a bad thing, because it means you’re growing and your network marketing team is growing. But learning how to tune them out is important.

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More Resources For You:

How To Attract The Right People To Build Your Network Marketing Team

Why People Will Join You If You Are Brand New

29 Sources of Leads so you never run out of people to talk to again.

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