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My Team Might Be Stealing Your Prospects
Unless You’re Doing This…


I was just doing a little digging for an article – and saw something RIDICULOUS. Nearly half a MILLLLION people are looking for a business on the web every month.

500,000 people.

It’s nuts that’s what it is. Imagine if we could get just 10 to join in YOUR biz each month. Oh sweet leverage. Incredible!

0.5 Million Business Seekers and You Can’t Sponsor ONE!?

Anyway, something to take away, there are people out there looking for you. No need to do anything complicated. If you can snatch their attention for a few minutes, then show them what you’ve got, they’ll join under you.

Well, so what is the problem?

Most bizops are not web-friendly. Sure they have sales material on the web but not the kind that makes a person join by themselves when ready. Sales presentations are normally hype driven, feel goody-stuff – they don’t answer questions on the prospect’s mind – like:

– How will I find people to talk to?

– Who would buy this stuff?

– How will I learn to sell it?

– How can I guarantee I’ll succeed at selling this?

– Can “I” really do well at this?

– Who will help me?

If your MLM marketing system is NOT answering the above questions, it will not work

The sort of questions people want answered before committing to a business. they look on the web for answers – and if you don’t tell them, they will find someone else who does. (like me!)

That’s actually why I use a special system that handles most of it for me. I sponsor several reps a week. A lot of my downline does too since we all use the same system.

Sometimes, we find our prospects AFTER someone else spoke to them about starting a business – but our system is the only one that answers their big questions so they join us instead.

Do you want to try it?

Relax, the system is generic and works for any company. YOURS included. It shows your prospects:

where to find people to talk to,

– how to talk to them,

– and makes them feel safe and comfortable about the possibilities of success

How cool is that?

And when you talk to them about YOUR company, they only want to know about your products. No “embarrassing” questions about how much money you make. No objections like, “but I can’t sell” and “I don’t want to sell to my friends”. Best part is – when they’re ready to sign up, THEY will call you and
say “let’s go”.

Want to plug your bizop into my system?

Here’s the link:


If you enjoyed this post please comment and share if you want more content like this

Ray Higdon
Skype: ray.higdon
Email: [email protected]

Image: chanpipat / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Image: tungphoto / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

PS: If Your Upline Does Not Have a Step-By-Step Blueprint For Success, Check This Out (Unless You Already Have Too Many Leads) – Click Here For Instant Access

PSS: My company is pre-launching in the UK on September 1st, For More Info on Numis, Go here – Ray and Numis