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My Story: From Foreclosure
to MLM Success


In this video I share some pretty raw stuff about my climb to MLM success. I hope it inspires you.

What is in the Video

It’s me talking about, well, I guess my rags to riches story. This is the most raw I have ever been, and it was made in front of a crowd in Dallas, Texas. I share some of the following:

– How I went from foreclosure to Fiji in two years
– How I battled alcohol and how I made a total jerk out of myself in front of my company owners on our first incentive trip
– How I didn’t talk to my Dad for 13 years and how repairing that relationship was one of the keys to my success

This is raw. Some will be shocked I shared it but I share it to give you hope that you too can have MLM success. I share it so that you can see that I didn’t have it as easy as I seem to have it now. I share it to inspire you into action so you can share your rags to riches story. ANYONE can create MLM Success if they just embrace what I talk about doing in the below video. Yes, this was filmed at my company convention but there is no pitch or sale in this video, just me, raw, sometimes shaking, sharing my story. Hope you enjoy…

My Story: Desperate and in Foreclosure to MLM Success

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Ray Higdon
Author of VMI – Think and Grow Rich for Network Marketers

Skype: ray.higdon
Email: [email protected]
Work With Me – Numis Network
Image(s): FreeDigitalPhotos.net

PS: Would my coaching help you? Email me about my limited time coaching opportunity for $119/Month, you can email me at [email protected]

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