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MLM Tips: How to Get Motivated


Ever feel like you are in a funk? We all go there sometimes, this post will help you learn how to get motivated to move closer to your dreams.

Information Overload With MLM Tips

Right now, more than anytime in history, we are inundated with suggestions, training and MLM tips on how to do things for our home business. But, does the existence of such training really matter if we aren’t motivated enough to actually follow through and DO the things we know would help our business? Kinda like if a tree falls in the woods and no one’s around to hear it question right?

It doesn’t. It matters absolutely zero what you know and it ONLY matters what types of actions you take and your thoughts while taking them. IF you think you don’t need motivation in your life, simply take a look at your existing results to see if that is the case or not. Crappy results in your relationships, finances, business, etc means you simply have not been motivated enough to do something about them.

How to Get Motivated

This morning I got this email sent to me from our brand new recruit Dan. Quoted below:

“Well…. Either this opportunity is just so much better than what I’m used to, or God just wants me to be doing it and succeeding at it greatly!

In Amway for 5 years, I…

  •  – Invested thousands of hours of my time
  •  – Contacted thousands of people about the biz
  •  – Showed hundreds of plans
  •  – Attended hundreds of live opp meetings and trainings
  •  – Attended dozens of major conferences
  •  – Spent more than $10,000 on tools and education
  •  – Spent more than $10,000 on products I wouldn’t have ordinarily bought

YET… I only personally sponsored 5 people!

YET… I’ve been in Numis for 4 full days and have sponsored 3 people, with 1-3 more likely to sign up today. Business in three states and 2 countries. International, baby!

The difference cannot be ME 🙂

As soon as I sponsor my first 10 people (which should be by the end of April, no problem), I’m going to make a video, called “Amway vs Numis: My Personal Experience,” as a heartfelt, but objective breakdown of how and why this is so much better of an opportunity for several reasons. I’m sure many of my former Amway cohorts will see it, and have no choice but to consider joining me.

Thanks for paving the way, Ray and Jess!”

You want to know how to get motivated? DO THE WORK that will allow you to receive emails like the above one in your inbox. When my wife and I receive an email like this, it just confirms that all the work we are doing is worth it. At the end of your days, YOU will evaluate your life in regards to the type of impact you have made. Congrats Dan, you are crushing it and I know with only one more day for our company promotion, you will probably bring on even more people today!

Ways to Get Motivated


1. Get inspired and then committed. One of the very best ways to do this is to attend live events, hear the stories of those having success and realizing that there are people out there with worse circumstances than your own and let that drive you to commit to the actions and habits of the top earners.

2. Help someone. There is a careful balance of spending too much time training someone vs helping empower them to step it up and become  a leader. You don’t need to hold their hand, you need to inspire them into digging deep enough to get motivated themselves.

3. Become a new something. This is the most powerful way. Choose to BECOME someone you are not currently, this does not mean pretending, it means transforming. The person I was when I was depressed and in foreclosure is no longer here on this planet. I BECAME someone new. I became someone that was put here with a purpose to motivate and inspire others. I am unable to remember what used to run through my brain before I became who I am now.

If you are feeling stuck, know that we were all there. You can become powerful, successful and a top earner no matter where you are. We believe in you. If you feel motivated, comment below and share around and let’s help create more and more people all over the world learn how to get motivated that will lead this planet to the next level of abundance and awareness!

To Your Abundance!

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Ray Higdon

Skype: ray.higdon
Email: [email protected]

“I Show Network Marketers How to Recruit More Reps, Get More Leads and Become a Top Earner in Their Network Marketing Company.”

Image(s): FreeDigitalPhotos.net

PS: My most powerful course on mindset, Welcome to Vibrational Money Immersion

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