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MLM Secrets: Why do People Quit?


After much thinking and analyzing, pretty sure I can answer the question of why do people quit. It is simpler than you think and is why the majority of people don’t succeed at almost anything they attempt.

This video and post will help you understand some MLM secrets that could help you have more retention in your team, enjoy!

My Opinion: Why do People Quit?

Quite simply I think the answer to the question of why do people quit is one main reason mixed with a lot of factors. The main reason I believe they quit is because they analyze their time IN THE BEGINNING and their return on that time, IE, their results.

If everyone ran that analysis early on in their network marketing career, there would be a LOT of top income earners that never would have made it. MOST people, including all the top earners you currently admire, struck out at first. I honestly don’t know too many people that did have success quickly, they just kept at it and kept producing until they reached the tipping point.

Quitting Factors and Other MLM Secrets

There are several quitting factors. Not having a system, not having clear, to the point fast start training, not plugging people into a community so they don’t feel lost on an island but the biggest one has to do with expectations.

The expectations you set BEFORE you enroll someone will be, in my opinion, the greatest factor on how quickly they will be willing to quit. IF you use hype and tell them they are going to be rich quickly, just to get that signup, they will most likely be toast within 14 days. So many marketers go around wondering why do people quit when it is THEIR marketing that is making them quit!

Set realistic expectations. I love what Eric Worre says in his book Go Pro, he says IF you are going to build a network marketing business you have to be willing to take a temporary setback in your social status. You see, if you don’t warn people that SOME people may not approve of accept their decision, they go out there unarmed against reality and people unarmed against reality get unhappy quickly. More insights on why do people quit in today’s short video…

Video: Biggest Factor of Why People Quit

By the way, this is the EXACT same reason people quit when it comes to online marketing, creating content, shooting videos, making blogs, etc. They analyze their return of their time in the beginning and let me assure you, it is never worth it. It is ONLY by sticking to what you are doing in this type of business that makes any sense at all.

If you are gonna come in half stepping, might as well not even come in. =)

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To Your Abundance!

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Ray Higdon

Skype: ray.higdon

Email: [email protected]

“I Show Network Marketers How to Recruit More Reps, Get More Leads and Become a Top Earner in Their Network Marketing Company.”

Image(s): FreeDigitalPhotos.net

PS: There’s a brand new way to generate leads online in town, these guys are super smart and I have learned a lot from them – Watch the video here

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