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MLM Marketing: How to Get Leads
So you want to know how to get leads? This short video will help you get more results out of your MLM marketing.
Getting more MLM leads is not that difficult if you understand the basics.
How to Get Leads: Demystified
Think about it, what is a lead? A lead is a human that tells you they want something from you. You can create MLM leads out of thin air by just prospecting so even though I talk about MLM marketing in this post, remember that they say 90%+ of ALL people are dissatisfied with their job or way of life and sure wish you would show them another way.
So, even if you go down the road of learning MLM marketing, don’t forget that at the end of the day, you can ramp up your business by prospecting and getting better at prospecting. For that I might suggest you consider grabbing my Recruiting Secrets on Audio (lots of people have gotten help from that course).
However, back to how to get leads…
A generated lead is someone asking you for something. If you want to get more MLM leads coming to you, you have to first identify what their problems are and attempt to solve them. The video below goes into detail on how to do just that.
Video: MLM Marketing Tips
Watch this video below and learn some simple steps how you can start generating more leads with your MLM Marketing.
In the video I mentioned you need a way to capture the leads, most people use Aweber if their company does not have pre-built capture pages.
Hope you got some value out of those simple MLM marketing tips and like I said in the video, if you need a refresher on how to get leads you can simply enter your information on the upper right hand side of this website to get my audio called 29 sources of MLM leads.
Please share and comment if you found this video helpful!
To Your Abundance!
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Ray Higdon – Text or call me at (239) 471-4800
Skype: ray.higdon
Email: [email protected]
“I Show Network Marketers How to Recruit More Reps, Get More Leads and Become a Top Earner in Their Network Marketing Company.”
Image(s): FreeDigitalPhotos.net
PS: Every dollar of your autoship goes toward your Vacation Savings Program, you DO like to vacation right? Well then, stop paying retail and watch this video
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